  • 期刊


The Study of an Elementary School Principal's Administrative Decision Making


我們常說:「有怎麼樣的校長,就有怎麼樣的學校。」校長的領導風格往往會決定學校經營方向及願景的塑造,換言之,校長在學校整體教育中佔有舉足輕重的地位,其行政決定之好壞,深切影響著學校經營的品質。 學校的行政事務是一連串的作決定過程,而校長的職責正是主持或執行決定,行政決定的良窳,不但關係學校校務發展,也是學校永續經營之關鍵所在。 學校行政決定為教育行政運作之中心,其功能貫穿作決定之抉擇與執行,攸關行政運作之成敗至深至鉅,更是今日教育行政學術探討之重要所在。一項政策或制度的錯誤決定,其影響層面更為廣泛深遠。 本文基於想瞭解國民小學校長行政決定的情形,深入探討校長的行政決定模式、歷程和影響校長行政決定的因素,做理論與實務性的探討,提供行政同仁日後思考依循參考。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the status quo of the Principal's Administrative Decision Making at Chia Lo elementary school. The research scope including Principal's Administrative Decision Making model, course and the influential factors of Administrative Decision Making. Qualitative method was employed to analyze and understand, Chia Lo elementary school principal is the object. The data were collected, reorganization, analysis, induction by means of observations, interviews, council book, and document analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1. The utilization of Administrative Decision Making Model. (1)The Decision Making Model should establish in the rational and the experience. (2)In view of the situation, elects diff erently Decision Making Model. (3)The high quality team and the strength carries out are the advantage to develop good Administrative Decision. 2. The development of Administrative Decision Making course. (1)The Administrative Decision Making course is important process to achieves the organization goal. (2)The Administrative Decision Making course are the dynamic process which continues to revise, unceasing province thinks and the developing process of practice. (3)The Administrative Decision Making course are the conformity school and community resources, and the development course of team cooperation. (4)The Administrative Decision Making course approximately includes: Understood the question→collect related information➝analysis question➝draws up the correlation solution➝choice best solution➝plan and execute➝revision and feed-back. (5)The operation of Administrative Decision Making course A. One way Arbitrary-Direct decision. B. Two way Interaction-Discusses with the related person. C. Multiple Communication-Related administrative conference discussion mechanism. 3. To reduce influence factors from individual and the organization situation (1)The unceasing enrichment and takes advanced courses, leads the idea to campus, promotes the school management level. (2)Persisted the idea, is good at planning-unfolds the leadership special characteristic. (3)Walking management, Sharing duties. (4)Proper attention to tradition ethics, the reform innovation, these could advances gradually guiding to teachers growth. (5)Strengthens the school marketing and the public relations activity, conformity manpower, physical resource, financial resource resources. (6)To combine school characteristic and media marketing. The researcher, after synthesizing the findings of this research, offers the suggestions at the end of this thesis, as the reference for the schools, government and future research.


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