  • 期刊


The Role of Domain Knowledge in Creating False Memory: Evidence from Industrial Design Experts


本研究用DRM典範(Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm),探討專門知識對假記憶產生的影響,藉以了解專門知識是增加或降低假記憶的產生。實驗操弄設計和非設計科系高、低年級的參與者,在設計列表詞和一般列表詞的自由回憶、再認正確率和關鍵詞的錯誤再認率(假記憶)的表現。結果發現,設計列表詞的自由回憶和再認率,受到設計知識的影響,也就是高設計知識的參與者表現優於低設計知識和不具備設計知識的參與者,一般列表詞的表現則不受設計知識的影響。同樣地,對於實驗中沒有出現的關鍵詞,其錯誤再認率也受到專門知識的影響。設計高年級在設計關鍵詞的假記憶,明顯高於設計低年級和非設計科系的參與者,而低設計知識和無具備設計知識的參與者,在設計關鍵詞的假記憶則沒有不同。另外,在一般關鍵詞的假記憶中,不論設計或非設計科系的高年級,其假記憶都較低年級的參與者高。最後,本研究分別從內隱連結反應假說及模糊痕跡理論,來探討這些結果的意涵。


Many studies have demonstrated the power of schema and knowledge in organizing incoming information. On the other hand, knowledge could also lead to various kinds of memory errors. The present study examined how participants' domain knowledge affects their memory, using the DRM paradigm to investigate false memory produced by a group of industrial design experts as compared to a group of novices. In particular, this study investigated whether domain specific knowledge would induce or reduce false memories. Two groups of old and young experts and novices were asked to study lists of semantically related words and then tested on both studied words and non-studied critical words. Two types of semantically related list items were used; one type of items was words selected from technical terms used in the domain of industrial design. The other type of items was common words. Results revealed that design knowledge increased veridical memory of design-related terms. More importantly, age had an effect on the false recognition of common words, while participants' design knowledge had an effect on false recognition of design-related terms. These results were discussed in terms of implicit associative response hypothesis and fuzzy-trace theory.


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