  • 期刊


An Analysis ofYeh Shih-t'ao's translation activities at the regional of East Asia




葉石濤 翻譯者 翻譯 文化生產 版本


In this paper, mining rese arch methods of positivism, using the concept of literary sociology of literary production, with Yeh Shih-t'ao translation activity as a specific example, to explain how he used "translation" expand literary production, transboundary cross-language translation practice. At First, to compare Matsunaga Masayoshi (松永正義) and Wakabayashi Mashahiro's (若林正丈) article version that Yeh Shih-fao has been tran slated, the article discusses how did it affect translated production by translator political considerations and ideology. It can illustrate the political translation. Secondly, how Yeh Shih-t 'ao make use of Japanese this cultural capital, to accumulate his economic capital through translated Japan mysteries. Clarify how he fit business model of popular literature, translation and introduction of Matsumoto Seicho 's (松本張清) works in the newspaper supplements, maga zine s, in order to meet the needs of the 1980s popular literature market of Taiwan. It can indicate the commercial translation. Finally, the Yeh Shih 仆'ao 's translation work "underground village" for example, Yeh Shih-t'ao was "間- translation" North Korea's (戰前朝鮮) short story text from the prewar Japanese translation, showing his personal emphasize realism literatu re view, practice the significance of local characteristics and literary production activities. It can explain how he let Taiwan "readers" of 1980s to get a glimpse of other East Asian regional multicultural, and its special significance and text translation contribution in the postwar of Taiwan literary field.


西川滿著,葉石濤譯,〈稻江冶春詞〉,《聯合報》,1980 年4 月24 日,第8 版。
作者不詳,《成功時報》,1984 年9 月21 日,副刊。
尾崎秀樹著,葉石濤譯,〈台灣人作家的三篇作品〉,《自立晚報》,1985 年2 月2 日,第10 版。
