  • 期刊


The Effect of the National Health Insurance Program on Finance Burden and Medical Care Demand of the Senior Citizens-A Case Study in YunChiaNan Area of Taiwan



台灣近年因國際觀開放、擴展外交、人道主義等各種因素,開始一些海外醫療支援的行動,如政府對.馬其頓的醫療援助、馬拉威的建院、民問醫療團體的國外義診或企業家(如潤泰集團總我尹衍樑及矽統科技董事長杜俊元對大陸)的捐款建醫院等,及長庚醫院計畫在大陸籌建醫院。了解台灣早期的基督教醫院發展背景歷史,可以學習在異國從事醫療的遠見與所遭遇到的問題,進而獲得如何在未開發國家設立醫院的經驗。嘉義基督教醫院的宗旨包含了醫療、傳道、教學、支援等四項,其中支援的部份指“醫療的支援”,對象除了台灣本地外,並擴及海外。醫院秉持創院精神,除了繼續山地巡迴醫療外,每年組織志願員工成立短期醫療服務隊,前往需要援助國家或地區從事義診,並從1992年開始誰動在寮國建醫院的工作。 在寮國建醫院初期構想是,希望依過去外國醫療宣教士在台灣的模式一從診所開始擴展。因隨後寮國客觀環境的改變,提出的診所申請案改為設立一個現代化一百床的醫院。嘉義基督教醫院面對此顯然與過去醫院發展的經驗有基本上的差異的情境下,在策略上,須隨著時代背景的不同而不斷調整觀念,因著各種不同問題的產生,利用現代的管理機制、國際企業管理的概念,結合跨國設立醫院的宣教使命,來完成基督教醫院存在的意義及使命;也繼續早期宣教士的美好腳蹤。 醫療雖因其非營利事業之本質,但進入海外市場之決策過程與策略卻與國際化之企業無異。其進入海外市場之決策,仍根基於已有的社會聯擊關係;而由個人之社會關係所獲致之資訊是醫院進入國外之知識賺礎。籌設醫院期間由於政府之外交力量薄弱,各項資訊不足之情況下,海外籌設醫院所面對的問題:包括生存、文化、語言、人力及財務等,均需一一由籌設單位設法克服。嘉義基督教醫院除需努力克服以上的問題外,尚須體認環境與政府制度的差異,並設定替代方案,以便繼續誰動預期之目標。


Taiwan has recently started some overseas medical aids due to national policy, diplomatic endeavors and humanitarian consideration. These actions include medical aids to Macedonia by the Government; building hospitals in Malawi; free clinics by civilian organizations and donations by entrepreneurs. An understanding of the early development of Christian hospitals in Taiwan will help understanding the prospective and problems that people will have to face when starting an oversea hospital. The mission of Chia-Yi Christian Hospital (CYCH) contains four items: medical care, preaching Gospel, teaching and medical aids. Medical aids includes domestic and oversea. In addition to provide circulating free clinics to aboriginal people in the mountains, the Hospital organized short-term volunteer medical care teams to help needy areas or countries and started its hospital establishing project in Laos since 1992. The initial idea of the CYCH-Laos project was to start with a clinic, and then gradually expanded to a hospital similar to what missionaries did in early Taiwan. Because of the changing factors in Laos, the idea was changed to start up with a 100-bed modern hospital. CYCH had therefore adjusted its strategies in accordance with the different surroundings that were different from its understandings from the previous experience. The strategies utilize modem managerial skills, international business administration concept and overseas mission commitment. Although the medical care is of nonprofit nature, the decision process and strategies are consistent with those of a multi-national enterprise: ”Knowledge of foreign market opportunities is commonly acquired via existing interpersonal links rather than collected systematically via market research.” Because the lack of diplomatic and sufficient information, in addition to the problems of surviving, culture, language, human resources and finance, CYCH has to prepare alternatives according to the political and situational differences so as to carry on the project.


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