  • 期刊


The Principles Used for Establishing Scale Scores for Large-scale Testing Programs



本文之主旨在於闡述建立學科評量量尺之理論基礎。文中首先簡述國內教育評量領域因欠缺建立完善學科評量量尺而產生之種種問題,其後以美國教育測驗社(Educational Testing Service, ETS)為範例進而闡述建立評量量尺之重要性與可行性。建立學科評量量尺較完善可行的方法在於整合現代評量理論( 如試題反應理論)、試卷等化技術與測驗資料收集方法各領域導向,這些議題將在本文中一一加以介紹,最後作者試圖擬定一較適合於國內之學科評量尺之測驗計劃以說明大學該如何應用此量尺分數來選取學生。雖然所有建立學科量尺之大型測驗計劃皆可能面臨理論上或實務上之類似瓶頸,然而作者認為建立學科量尺應為國內教育改革中不可或缺之一環。


The primary purpose of this paper is to illustrate the principles used for establishing scale scores for large-scale testing programs. Developing sound scale scores for a testing program strongly relies on the integration of modern test theories (e.g., item response theory, IRT), test equating methods and the methods used for test data collection. These theoretical foundations used for developing scale scores have been introduced in this paper. Besides that, an example on how to apply these principles on our current college entrance examination has also been provided.


Scaling Equating Item Response Theory (IRT)


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