  • 期刊


The Development and Validation of the Adult Career Cognitive Scale





The purpose of the study was to develop the “adult Career Cognitive Scale” for college students and working adults in Taiwan. It’s a three-stage study. In the first stage, we collected test items through semistructure interviews and open-ended questionnaires. A pilot scale was the developed. In the second stage, the formal scale was established by omitting inappropriate items. In the third stage, we test the reliability and validity of the scale. The established scale was divided into four scales: Cognitive complex, Career self-efficacy, Career barriers, and Work involvement. The numbers of items for each of the four scales were 20,15,30, and 20. Coefficient alphas for the four scales were .79, .81, .95, and .81 respectively. As far as the validity of the scale, the results of comformatory factor analysis verify the validity of the Career self-efficacy and Career barrier scales. Discriminatnt validities for the four scales were generally speaking supported by the MONOVA tests. We finally developed norms for the scale.


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