  • 期刊


Application of Denver Ⅱ on Fine and Gross Motion Dimensions for the use of Localization



本研究以屏東地區年齡層36-54個月幼兒為樣本,利用Denver II精細動作與粗動作為評量工具,目的在於以本土化實證,驗證丹佛兒童發展篩選測驗的適用情形。研究結果顯示,在精動作與精細動作的信度尚稱不錯,而且可以反映出施測程序的精熱訓練,有助於測驗結果的穩定性。另外,以學齡前課程本位評量作為外在效標並不理想。若以屏東地區36-54個月幼兒,在Denver II精細動作與粗動作之常模來看,通過百分比大致符合兒童發展趨勢,同時不同性別之幼兒發展水準有高度齊一性。研究結果也同時顯示出,與多數兒童發展理論及測驗之經驗法則判斷結果相同。而屏東地區與美國同年齡組之幼兒,測驗結果的施測與應用要顧及影響動作發展水準的社會文化因素,利用本研究所獲得的試探研究結果,可以作為未來Denver II測驗本土化研究與早期療育實務工作之參考。


By using Denver II as a measurement, this article presents an exploratory analysis on the issue of Fine and Gross Motion, examined by a sample of 36+-54M children from Pingtung areas. The main purpose of this analysis was to determine Denver capability while localizing. The implementation results indicated that Denver II demonstrates higher reliability in testing consistency for mastery training but lack in external criterion-related validity for preschool curriculum-based assessment. The implementation results also reveal that the child development trend in Pingtung areas in consistent with the norm of Denver II scales, without sex differences. However, the culture situations must be considered as an impact factor while localizing, as most child development theories and testing designs mentioned. To establish a child testing procedure on early intervention and localization, the results of this work provide a good reference in the aspects of reliability and validity.


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