  • 期刊


The Development of the Chinese Vocabulary Test for Elementary School Children





中文詞彙 標準化測驗 詞類


The purpose of this research is to design a standardized Chinese vocabulary test for elementary school children to enrich the tool resource of research application. The related research on Chinese vocabulary were reviewed first, then a scientific and systematic sample of Chinese vocabulary was selected to construct the test. From the pilot-test, 98 items were compiled and to be administrated to the second graders, 100 items for the fourth and fifth graders respectively. There were 50 items to be selected for the formal test which were categorized into four categories in each age group. There were seven to thirty items in each category. 1034 children were sampled as the norm. The average item difficulty index was 0.62, 0.71 and 0.74 for the second, fourth, and fifth graders respectively. The correlation coefficients among subtest were ranged from 0.51 to 0.72. The performance of different background children was also analyzed. The result showed that the better the children's Chinese achievement was, the better their Chinese vocabulary ability was. Besides that, the gender difference only found for the fourth graders and the location difference was found for all age groups. Moreover, this study also investigated other factors about vocabulary test, such as common item and word frequency and the way item presented. The results suggested the higher graders performed better in common items. However, the correlation between word frequency and the difficulty index was weak. Overall, this test functions effectively for the preliminary screening and diagnosing purpose.


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