  • 期刊


A Study of Young Children's Behavior in Music Center




Through the method of observation, this research attempted to understand young children's behavior and peer interaction in music center. The findings revealed that young children's behavior in the music center includes non-musical play as well as musical play, instrumental playing, making musical notation, body movement, and singing. Because of the physical environment mainly arranged by instruments, instrumental playing including individual instrumental playing and ensemble is the major behavior in the music center. In the individual instrumental playing, there are four developmental phases. They are exploration, improvisation, mastery, and re-exploration. In addition to individual instrumental playing, there are three types of ensembles found in the music center. Those are alternating pulses, accompanying the learned melodies, and alternating ostinatos. According to the comparison between data analysis and classroom music teaching, young children's behavior in the music center is categorized into self-constructed behavior and classroom extended behavior. Furthermore, young children's peer interaction to facilitate learning includes using physical environment to stimulate learning, imitation, peer teaching and modeling, and collaboration.


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