  • 期刊

探索「教育者心理的小孩」-以德國改革教育學者H. Lietz為例

The Inner Child of the Educator A Case Study of German Education Reformer H. Lietz's Education Theory


本文欲以Lietz 的童年經驗分析作為個案,探究其教育改革的觀點和其童年經歷的關聯性。在19 到20 世紀初德國與歐洲改革教育學的浪潮裡,主要的訴求在於彰顯孩童的主體性,促進孩童的自主發展。所謂重視孩童發展的觀點,看似客觀,然而對孩童圖像的理解其實和教育改革者的童年經驗有關。研究者以心理分析的詮釋學(Psychoanalytische Hermeneutik)出發,欲在此文中探討德國鄉村教育之家(deutsche Landeserziehungsheime)的創始人Hermann Lietz 的成長經驗,推論其教育改革是對自身家庭美好經歷的再現與對中學苦痛經驗的制衡。文末指出,教育觀點其實受限於教育者的成長經驗,我們無法創造一個普遍有效適用於所有人的完美教育觀,這讓教育學擁有獨特以及多元面貌的可能。


In these Text it argues that Lietz's vision of education reflects the balancing between the experiences in his Family time and in the suffering school time. The emancipation of children's subjectivity is the main current idea in the european educational reform movement in the 19th and early 20th centuries. But early childhood experiences leave lifelong impressions and determine the visions of educators what the school and teaching should be. In the light of this the article accounts for a psychoanalytic-hermeneutic description of H. Lietz's education theory. It enquires into the understanding of the relationship between Lietz's Biography and his reform work. Accordingly the article arrives at the conclusion that the vision of the educationist unavoidably depends on as well as is limited by his personal life experiences. Therefore it cannot claim to be universal what allows a pluralistic and prolific landscape in educational thinkings.


張淑媚(2014)。評析德國改革教育學者H. Lietz 鄉村教育之家的理念與實踐。教育研究集刊。60(2),115-137。
Gläser, J. (1920). (Hrsg.). Vom Kinde aus. Arbeiten des pädagogischen Ausschusses der Gesellschaft der Freunde des väterländischen Schul- und Erziehungswesens Hamburg. Hamburg/Braunschweig, Deutschland: Diesterweg.
Lietz, H. (1897). Emlohstobba. Roman oder Wirklichkeit. Bilder aus dem Schulleben der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart oder Zukunft. Beckenstedt, Deutschland: Verlag des Land-Waisenheims
Lietz, H.(1935). Lebenserinnerungen. Von Leben und Arbeit eines deutschen Erziehers. Beckenstedt, Deutschland: Weimar.
