  • 期刊


A study of the Taiwan's Mainly Newspapers Made about the Asian Games of Busan


本研究主要目的,在瞭解台灣主要報紙報導2002年釜山亞運會的新聞內容的差異。研究對象為台灣民營的綜合性質的中國時報、聯合報及自由時報。研究時間為2002舉行的釜山亞運會的報導內容。本研究將採內容分析法分析釜山亞運會報導的文字、圖表及圖片內容,其結果如下: 1.就亞運新聞報導量來看,聯合報最多,且於亞運版面即定於三塊版(含一黑白及2彩色),且在報團專業報-民生報的支援下,可以數量上勝於其他報。 2.表格上方面,三報都維持賽程表及獎牌總數,提供讀者可以快速得知比賽訊息,而聯合報則針對射箭金牌袁淑琪的個人射箭生涯制表,是本屆最特殊的地方。 3.照片內容上男性報導量勝於女性為三報一致的結果,中國時報男女比例差距最遠,但聯合報照片使用男女一起百分比最低。 4.聯合報於照片內容人數上一人部份以38.2%最多,而中國時報 、自由時報分別為36.3%、37%,三者相差不多,表現出三報對於個人動作重視,自由時報(12.7%)於兩人部分的百分比為其他兩報的兩倍,與自由時報在文字報導籃球及網球都比例多於兩報相呼應。 5.聯合報於報導金牌方面以39.7%最多,但三報於奪金選手照片均大幅報導,而非關勝負上中國時報以36.2%最多,顯示中時不會因奪牌與否來思考照片的使用,以照片的動作及畫面創意為主,因此拍攝項目非台北奪牌項目為主,但仍須為版面拍些非奧運競技項目,為拍攝過程中的考驗。 6.聯合報於亞運報導上使用外電照片為36.6%,中國時報為3.12%,自由時報為4.6%,因聯合報系無派任何攝影記者,照片由民生報三名記者負責,因此 為版面上差異與多樣化使用外電照片機會多於其它兩報。 7.新聞照片內容上自由時報網球項目列入報導量前三名,乃因為網球場地位居籃球場週邊,故混雙奪金賽程進行中可兼顧下圖片比例會增多。 8.就版面色彩使用上,自由時報皆以採色版面進行報導,為本屆亞運新聞內容上最大特色。


The research purpose is to comprehend/survey the coverage that Taiwan’s mainly newspapers made about the Asian Games of 2002 at Korea's Capital, Pusan. The research objects are the comprehensive private companies include China Times, United Daily News and Liberty Times. The coverage about the Asian Games at Pusan was chose. This research use the content analyses to analyze the news, tables and pictures that cover about the Asian Games at Pusan. The research results were introduced below. 1. From a quantity aspect, the Unite News report the most much news about the Asian Games at Pusan, and covered three pages of it(include a monochrome page and two coloring pages). The Unite News Corp. also has a subsidiary company in addition, so the conglomerate's total coverage exceeded in number. 2. About the tables, the three newspaper companies all introduce the flow path of the games and the medal number. They all provided the reader the quick information of the games. What's most specially, United Daily News made the table list about the archer, 袁淑琪, who is the champion at the archery, to introduce her career of archery. 3. Pictures of male players they used are three times the numbers of those of female players. 4. The percentage of pictures that show only one player in United Daily News is 38.2%, and those in China Times and Liberty Times are 36.3% and 37%. There is little difference between those three newspapers. The result show us that the three newspapers all pay attention to personal actions. The percentage of pictures that show two players in Liberty Times is double than the others. It also can reflect that Liberty times makes much of basketball and tennis news. 5. The percentage of gold medal news that United Daily News reported is 39.7%, which is more than the others, but the three newspapers all reported the gold medal players in a great quantity. China Times reported 36.2 percent of news not directly concerns the result of the competition, it shows that when China Times took pictures, they concern the motions and appearance of pictures, rather than concern if players will win the games or not. 6. 36.6% of the pictures that United Daily News used dispatched from foreign news agencies. That was because United Daily News Group didn’t send any photographer, instead of three reports of Mun Sang Daily News to take charge. For differentiation and diversity reasons, they used more advices form aboard than the others. 7. The pictures of tennis which Liberty Times carried were within the first three places. That was because the tennis field is next to the basketball court, so they can look after both sides well. 8. Liberty Times prints all the page coloring, which is the distinguishing feature of the 2002 Asian Games.


Sports News Asian Games content analyses


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