  • 期刊


The Effect of Rugby Tournament on Antioxidant Potential of Leukocytes Subpopulation


高強度運動導致體內活性氧的增生,抗氧化物相對耗損,形成所謂的「氧化壓力」,若無法有效調控,將對身體造成傷害;檢測不同類型的運動會否導致氧化壓力無疑是重要的課題。本研究的目的在比較橄欖球比賽後,三種白血球亞型細胞內之活性氧與抗氧化物的變化消長情形。方法為採集第一場賽前、第四場賽後、賽後72小時等時間點的血液樣本,用流式細胞儀分析三種細胞內之過氧化氫(H2O2)及榖胱甘肽(GSH)濃度值。 結果發現,三種細胞之H2O2濃度均在賽後顯著下降,賽後72小時仍維持在低水準值。而GSH之濃度均在賽後顯著上升,賽後72小時逐漸下降,惟降至賽前水準值之上或下並不一致。尤以淋巴球的GSH值在賽後急速下降,有產生氧化壓力之虞。 結論是橄欖球比賽後白血球亞型細胞的抗氧化能力變化趨勢類似,但變化幅度不同;總體來說,抗氧化能力上升,不會產生氧化壓力。


High intensity exercises cause accretion of reactive oxygen species (ROS) but, at the same time, also cause losses of antioxidants, which triggers the so-called oxidative stress. The objective of this research is to compare the growth and decline of the antioxidant potential of the leukocytes subpopulation after a rugby tournament. The research is conducted by collecting blood samples at the following points of time: before the first quarter, after the fourth quarter, and 72 hours after the tournament. Samples were then put through a FACScalibur Flow Cytometry for analysis to compare the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and glutathione (GSH) in the cells. The result indicates the following: the concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) of all three leukocytes subpopulation declined significantly after the game and maintained at a low standard value 72 hours after the game. The concentration of antioxidant (GSH), on the other hand, rose after the game but decline gradually 72 hours after the game; only, the value declined is not consistent whether it is above or below the standard value measured before the game. Especially, the GSH value of lymphocyte declined sharply after the game, which is deemed as probable to trigger oxidative stress. The conclusion of this research is arrived at that the tendencies of antioxidant potential of the leukocytes subpopulation are similar after the game and the differentials are not significant; therefore, overall, intense rugby exercise does not incur oxidative stress.


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