  • 期刊


The Sprain Ankle and Rehabilitation of Basketball Players


國內、外許多研究文獻中提到, 籃球運動之踝關節扭傷是非常普遍且常見之傷害,在現今籃球運動人口日益興盛的情況下,傷害形成亦隨之提高。同時傷害大多發生在如搶籃板時不小心踩入凹陷處或他人足部時,尤以外側韌帶傷害最為常見(Backy et al., 1989; Garrick et al., 1988),且是在蹠屈及內翻的姿勢下所造成。 因此正確及有效的預防踝關節扭傷及傷害後的復健工作相信對受傷者是非常重要地觀念及課題,因為當扭傷發生時,會造成踝關節的腫脹及發炎,間接造成韌帶的鬆弛、腓骨肌群的肌力減退、和本體感覺器的損傷,而導致踝關節功能性的不穩定,進而再次造成踝關節重複扭傷(Lentell et al., 1990; Lephart et al., 1997)。同時當傷害後,瞭解不同程度復健內容,以減少再次傷害情形,使快速恢復至運動前的狀態,亦是身為一位運動員或從事教學或訓練工作者所必須瞭解的領域。因此本文之目的在於讓我們瞭解正確有效地預防踝關節傷害及傷害後之復健方法。


籃球 踝關節 生物力學 復健 運動傷害


Many studies on sports injury have reported that sprained ankle, especially lateral ankle sprains, are commonly seen in basketball players. The lateral ankle sprain often occurs when a player lands with the foot in a plantarflexed and inverted position or lands on someone else's foot. The injury causes inflammation and swelling of the ankle, and possibly results in decreased ankle stability and personal muscle strength, and impaired proprioception. Thus, recurrence of an ankle sprain may happen. Since basketball has become a more and more popular sport/competition, as a coach or a trainer, it is important to know how to decrease the risk of ankle sprains, and prevent their recurrence, The purpose of this paper was to introduce the effective principles of prevention and rehabilitation for an ankle sprain.


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