



西式划船 過度訓練


Rowing is a periodic exercise. There are 3 key factors, tempo, stroke distance and stroke strength, effect the speed of boat. How to promote the key factors by some kind of special training methods is crucial. High intensively training is the use of resistance to muscular contraction to build the strength. Before the competition, it's commonly used in the rowing training last for about 4 weeks. And with appropriate tapering, the promotion is expectable. Research says, after the overload training sets, the human body indexes are influenced: 1. The decrease of the hemoglobin, erythrocytes, hematocrit in blood. 2. The increase of rest heart rate and decrease of maximal heart rate. 3. The increase of creatine kinase (CK) and decrease of lactate, testosterone/cortisol ratio. The change of the indexes shows if the strength and volume are suitable. They are also an important index to the result of the training. But the results of high intensive training and tapering are not quite the same. But the researcher thinks the main reason possibly is the body fatigue not yet eliminates ,causes the performance to be unable to promote.


rowing overtraining


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Jurimae, J.,Purge, P.,Maestu, J.,Jurimae, T.(2002).Physiological responses to successive days of intense training in competitive rowers.Sportorvosi Szemle/Hungarian Review of Sports Medicine.43(1),11-19.
Kellmann, M.,Gunther, K. D.(2000).Changes in stress and recovery in elite rowers during preparation for the Olympic Games.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.32(3),676-683.
Maestu, J.,Jurimae, J.(2005).Hormonal response to maximal rowing before and after heavy increase in training volume in highly trained male rowers.Journal of Sports Medicine & Physical Fitness.45(1),121-126.
Maestu, J.,Jurimae, J.(2005).Monitoring of Performance and Training in Rowing.Sports Medicine.35(7),597-618.




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