  • 期刊

Research Utilization in a Multicultural Nursing Setting in Saudi Arabia: Barriers and Facilitators



背景 臨床決策在實證方法引導下才具最大效益。臨床護理必需以實證來提升護理品質與成本效益,但文獻指出應用研究結果於護理實務一直都很少,研究證據及實務應用的差距,為一個亟需關注的議題。目的 本研究目的在探討研究發現應用於護理實務之障礙及促因,以及障礙因素與護理人員人口學特性之相關性。方法 本研究採量性、非實驗性、描述性、相關性設計。採方便取樣選取來自Riyadh、Jeddah及Al-Ahsa三個城市,於Saudi National Guard Hospitals的護理人員為研究對象。研究工具是以障礙量表(Barriers Scale)來收集參與者之量性及部分質性結構性相關問題。結果 在障礙量表中,有將近三分之二的項目被研究對象評為中度至高度之實務應用障礙。其中以組織因素名列障礙得分最高、其餘依序為溝通、護理人員、及創新因素。質性資料呈現其他的障礙因素包括:缺乏時間、權威、醫生合作、以及實證教育。參與者建議:提高組織的支持度、以及創造以實證為基礎的組織文化,為實證研究應用於實務的主要促進因素。結論 政策制定者與行政管理者的支持,對於促進研究結果應用於護理實務非常必要,同時亦需要提升護理人員對使用最佳科學證據實務重要性之認知。


障礙 研究應用 實證實務


Background: Clinical decision making is most effective when guided by the latest evidence-based methods. Although policies governing modern nursing clinical practice advocate the need for evidence-based practice (EBP) to maximize quality and contain costs, the literature indicates a persistently low utilization of research findings in nursing. The gap between available research evidence and the use of this evidence in practice is an issue that requires attention.Purpose: This study explored barriers to and facilitators of research finding utilization in nursing practice and examined the associations between these barriers and nurse demographic characteristics. Methods: This study employed a quantitative, nonexperimental, descriptive, and correlational design. Researchers used the Barriers to Research Utilization Scale, which contains quantitative and some qualitative structured questions, and recruited a convenience sample of nurses working in Saudi National Guard hospitals in the three cities of Riyadh, Jeddah, and Al-Ahsa.Results: Participants rated nearly two thirds of the Barriers to Research Utilization Scale items as moderate to strong barriers to utilizing research in practice. Organization factors had the highest perceived barrier scores, followed by communication, adopter, and innovation factors, respectively. Themes emerging from the qualitative data indicated the presence of other barriers such as lack of time, lack of authority, lack of physician cooperation, and lack of EBP-related education. Participants suggested the importance of increasing organizational support and creating an organizational culture based on EBP to further promote utilization of research findings in nursing practice.Conclusions: Policymaker and administrator support is necessary to promote the utilization of research findings in nursing practice. Further initiatives are needed to raise awareness of the importance of using the best scientific evidence in practice.


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