  • 期刊


Case Report: Congenital Bilateral Fetlock Flexural Deformities of Forelimbs in 2 Calves


在兩牧場定期診療服務中發現,兩頭分別因胎位不正及胎勢不正而造成難產之雄性小牛,經獸醫師助產牽引出產道後,兩頭小牛精神良好,但其前肢雙側球節彎曲,小牛A無法站立,小牛B則蹄尖著地,但站立不穩且無法持久。經理學檢查後發現兩隻小牛蹄部骨骼與關節皆無異常,並診斷為重度(小牛A)及中度(小牛B)之先天性前肢球節彎曲變形(congenital flexural deformities)。於是分別為小牛A進行肌腱切除術,及小牛B施行夾板固定術。術後定期為病畜作按摩復健,小牛A於術後11天拆線,小牛B於夾板固定術後14天拆除,兩病畜皆恢復正常站立與跑步之動作。


During a routine visit to two dairy farms, two male Holstein calves were delivered with veterinary aid due to dystocia with fetal posterior presentation and malposture, respectively. Both calves suckled milk well after delivery. Bilateral fetlocks of the forelimbs in both calves were unable to be manually straightened. Among these 2 calves, calf A could not stand even with assistance, but calf B was able to stand on tiptoe with assistance for only a few minutes. After a physical examination, it was found that the joints of both calves were not affected and still mobile. As such, calves A and B were diagnosed with having severe and moderate congenital flexural deformities, respectively. Tenotomy and splintage were performed on calves A and B, respectively, and the calves received therapy sessions followed by massage and hand-walking exercise every day. Both calves responded well to therapy and could stand normally and take exercise after removing sutures (11 days) from calf A and splints (14 days) from calf B.
