  • 期刊

Surgical Reposition of Third Eyelid Gland Prolapse (Cherry Eye) in the Dog



犬的第三眼瞼腺體脫出又稱為櫻桃眼(cherry eye),是犬隻第三眼瞼最常見的原發性疾病,暴露的腺體在外界持續刺激下可能引起慢性結膜炎、二次性細菌感染及淚液產量異常。國內傳統的治療方法乃將腺體脫出的部分或全部腺體以手術切除,但因第三眼瞼腺體具有重要的淚液分泌功能,切除後可能造成淚液產量的不足,進而引起乾眼症及眼角膜病變的發生而需要長期點藥治療,因此目前國外多建議使用手術復位方法,將脫出的腺體回復到原來的位置並且保留其淚液分泌的功能。本篇報告中我們在五隻患犬使用conjunctival pocket method,於一隻患犬使用orbital rim anchoring method,來矯正第三眼瞼腺脫出的現象,結果發現應用這兩種脫出腺體復位手術均可獲得良好的復位效果且術後併發症輕微。而在手術操作過程中我們發現,conjunctival pocket method在施行上較orbital rim anchoring procedure為容易。分析本次復位手術之效果以及手術切除後可能之不良後遺症,故以手術復位脫出腺體,而非切除腺體,為治療犬第三眼瞼腺體脫出之較建議方法。


Prolapse of third eyelid gland, cherry eye, is the most common primary disorder of the nictitating membrane in the dog. Traditional surgical removal of the prolapsed third eyelid gland has been performed in Taiwan for many years. However, surgical excision may result in tear production deficiency, which requires life-long medication. We have been using two other surgical techniques to replace prolapsed third eyelid glands and retain their tear-producing functions. These techniques included conjunctival pocket method and orbital rim anchoring procedures. In this article, the outcomes and advantages of the two surgical techniques were described and compared. The conjunctival pocket technique was performed in 5 dogs and orbital rim anchoring procedure in 1 dog. Proper reposition of the third eyelid glands and good cosmetic outcomes obtained with minimal post-operative complications by these 2 techniques. The conjunctival pocket technique was found to be easier to perform in those cases. Based on the outcomes following the reposition techniques and possible complications following surgical excision, the reposition techniques are good options for treatment of the prolapsed third eyelid gland.
