  • 期刊


The Isolation Rate and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Salmonella from Dog-and Cat-Food Products in Taiwan


感染沙氏桿菌的犬、貓皆可能經由糞便排菌而直接或間接感染人類,且有許多人類沙氏桿菌症案例肇因於接觸犬貓或其食品。臺灣至今並無任何犬貓食品中沙氏桿菌之調查資料。本調查於2008年收集全臺灣各地共413個犬貓食品樣本(犬食品276個樣本,貓食品137個樣本),包括本地製造或國外進口之一般飼料、處方飼料、罐頭和零食等。調查結果共從其中11個樣本分離出13株沙氏桿菌,總分離率為2.7%(11/413),而不同種類或不同製造地的食品間並無統計上差異。經血清學鑑定,Salmonella Schwarzengrund為最常被分離出的血清型(7/13, 53.9%),其次為S. Enteritidis (4/13, 30.8%)。使用藥片擴散法進行14種抗菌劑之感受性試驗,結果有93%的分離株對一種或一種以上的抗菌劑有抗藥性,其中對streptomycin (84.6%)抗藥性比率最高,而對cefoxitin、ceftriaxone、ciprofloxacin、gentamicin、及sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim五種抗菌劑均有100%感受性。本調查結果指出臺灣地區市售寵物食品中存在對人可能有致病性的沙氏桿菌,一般飼主在間接或直接接觸寵物食品時有暴露於病原的風險。


Salmonella-infected cats or dogs can shed the bacteria via feces which eventually causes human-salmonellosis. Several outbreaks abroad have indicated that contact between human and dogs, cats, or pet foods may cause salmonellosis. There is no published survey regarding Salmonella isolation from pet foods in Taiwan. In order to understand Salmonella contamination of pet foods and the antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates, 413 pet food samples were collected, including 276 of dog food and 137 of cat food. These samples included normal dry feed, prescription diet, canned feed, treats and the origins were sorted as locally produced or imported. The Salmonella isolation rate was 2.7% (11/413) from 11 samples with a total of 13 isolates found, with no significant differences between any categories. The isolates were serotyped and S. Schwarzengrund was the most prevalent serovar (53.9%), followed by S. Enteritidis (30.8%). Antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates was determined via disc diffusion method. 93% of the isolates were showed being resistant to one or more antimicrobial agents, with the highest resistance rate to streptomycin (84.6%). The serotypes of the isolates from the pet food in Taiwan are potentially pathogenic to both humans and pets. Pets owners are at risk of exposure either by direct or indirect contact.
