  • 期刊


An Alumni Survey to Assess the Curriculum and Education Provided by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of National Taiwan University




In order to assess the curriculum and education provided by the Department of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) of National Taiwan University (NTU), a survey of 832 alumni graduated between year 1992 and 2008 was conducted. Using either phone or email, employment information from 667 graduates and curricular evaluation from 390 graduates was obtained. In terms of categorizing alumni occupations, the ratio of those conducting pet animal practice and academic veterinary research was ranked in the top two, greater than that of the national average of manpower distribution. In contrast, the ratio of those employed in governmental veterinary services was lower than the national ratio. Furthermore, approximately 20% of graduates from each year were not currently employed in areas of either veterinary medicine or veterinary science. This is a significant finding for those supervising the education and curriculum of the department. As for the curricular evaluation, alumni expressed 'moderate' to 'somewhat satisfied' views to each question except for a response of 'somewhat unsatisfied' when asked if career assistance was given. Alumni also suggest to strengthen the hand-on experience on farm animal medicine, and to incorporate courses such as business or animal hospital management, and human communication skills into the DVM program.
