  • 期刊


Case Report: Infectious Laryngotracheitis in 4-week-old Black-Feather Native Chickens


雲林縣某黑羽土雞飼養場(16,000隻),於2011年3月初,發現四週齡雞隻於臨床上呈現攝食量及飲水量下降、衰弱,同時呈現咳嗽、咳血與喘鳴的情形。該場本次發病率與死亡率各約為總飼養隻數的25%與1.25%。剖檢雞隻肉眼檢查,分別於喉頭、氣管呈現出血,並同時具有黏液樣血塊;組織病理學檢查則於喉頭及肺臟三級支氣管之肺房腔,可見融合型巨大細胞且有嗜酸性核內包涵體。使用聚合酶鏈鎖反應增幅傳染性喉頭氣管炎病毒thymidine kinase基因片段,得到647鹼基對產物。因此,依據前述實驗室各項檢查與分析結果,確診為傳染性喉頭氣管炎。另由於病雞華氏囊已明顯存有淋巴球流失現象,因此推測本病感染的可能原因之一為IBD先造成免疫的抑制,繼而遭ILT病原的感染。本病例為國內四週齡黑羽土雞傳染性喉頭氣管炎的首次報告,此與過去好發於7-10週齡以上的成雞病例,於發生時間上明顯不同,故提供作為臨床診斷參考。


A black-feather native chicken farm housed about 16,000 chickens in Yunlin. The flock showed anorexia, decreasing water intake and lethargy on the beginning of March, 2011. The clinical symptoms included coughing, sneezing, gasping and discharge or bloody discharge from the nostrils. Morbidity rate and mortality rate was about 25% and 1.25%, respectively. The necropsy findings of infected birds included extensive hemorrhage at mucosa of trachea and larynx as well as partial obstruction of trachea by mucus and clotted blood. Microscopically, syncytial cells contained eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion body in atria of tertiary bronchi. By using polymerase chain reaction to amplify the thymiding kinase gene and to confirmed the presence of infectious laryngotracheitis virus nucleic acid (647 base pair product). According to mentioned examinations, the final diagnosis was avian infectious laryngotracheitis. This is the first report about infectious laryngotracheitis in 4-week-old blackfeather native chickens in Taiwan. The age of infected chicken is different from usual cases, and this case report is useful as a model study for diagnosis.
