  • 期刊


Case report: Dacryops Combined with Lacrimal Bone Atrophy in a Beagle


眼眶周圍的淚管積液(dacryops)是一種源自於鼻淚管腺體的異生淚小管腺體組織所形成的囊腫或是異常擴 張,在獸醫文獻中並不多見。此病例為一隻4歲大、未絕育雄性米格魯犬,因於左眼眶內側下方發現腫塊,於地方動物醫院持續治療後復發,前來台大動物醫院就診。在治療期間接受眼科學檢查、血液檢查、超音波以及電腦斷層掃瞄的影像學檢查,發現此腫塊為一充滿液體之囊腫,而其下方之淚骨已經消失。在手術完整移除腫塊後,病理切片的結果配合解剖構造診斷為淚管積液所造成之囊腫,術後經追蹤兩年後並無復發跡象。本病例報告也探討此一罕見囊腫淚管積液合併淚骨退化現象之可能機轉。


Dacryops is a cyst or ectasia originating from lcrimal glandular ductal tissues. Dacryops combined with lacrimal bone atrophy is a rare condition in pet animals. A 4-year-old, male beagle was presented to the National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital with clinical signs of left periorbital swelling. The patient received ophthalmic, blood, ultrasonography, and computed tomography (CT) examinations. Lacrimal bone atrophy with a cyst-like lesion was noted and the cyst was removed surgically. The cyst was diagnosed as dacryops surrounded by inflammatory cells and bone fragments based on histopathological study. To date, there has been no recurrence clinically and under computed tomography for more than two years after excisional surgery.
