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AIDS, Gay Men, and Aspirations to Marriage: The Politics of the Disabled and the Queer in Chen Ruoxi's Paper Marriage




This article discusses Chen Ruoxi's Paper Marriage written in 1986. By viewing the various impacts brought by the AIDS epidemic that are depicted in this work of fiction, it also attempts to analyze the dialectical interplay between the epitomized "happy marriage and family" and "misfortune of disease" represented in this novel. After inquiring how AIDS and homosexuality have influenced the narrative, this paper argues that Paper Marriage shows the politics of disability/queerness in order to question the politics of gay happiness which is usually depicted as based on desire for marriage and family. Through a lens of "descriptive reading" in analyzing this novel, this paper takes Paper Marriage as an expression of "documentary aesthetics," and it focuses on its narrative of how American society viewed the historical events surrounding homosexuality and AIDS that are represented and recorded in the art of novels and form of literature. It enables "AIDS remains AIDS and homosexuality remains homosexuality." To visualize the embodied politics of disability/queerness against the background of global male homosexuality-since the first case of AIDS was reported in 1981-is to look backwards at the history of disease, disability, stigma, discrimination, death and loss.


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