  • 期刊


The Six-Channel Formulas Analysis in the Book of Tongsu Shanghan Lun by Gen-Chu Yu


俞根初(1734-1799AD),紹興傷寒學派代表人物,為清代中葉時期著名醫家。俞氏提出寒溫統一論,其辨證理論既別於一般傷寒學派,又異於吳門溫病學派,所著《通俗傷寒論》為「四時感證之診療全書」。 本研究曾在探討俞根初《通俗傷寒論》的處方用藥特色,本文以該書(六經方藥)共101首方劑,分析其藥物種類、使用頻率、劑量比較。結果顯示俞氏處方用藥的特色,其處方特色,包括:(1)外感治療,辨證施方。(2)應用古方,善於化裁。(3)搭配丸散,加強療效。(4)依據治法,運用合方。而其用藥特色則包括:(1)因地制宜,強調化濕。(2)藥量精簡,常用花草。(3)稍加辛藥,加強藥效。(4)清宣心包,重則犀鈴。本研究建議臨證處方時,可仿俞氏處方用藥思維,以提高臨床療效。


Gen-Chu Yu (1734-l799AD), the represented scholar of Shaoxing Shanghan Xuepai, was a well-known physician in the middle age of Ching dynasty. He announced a theory of the cold-warrn union, Dr. Yu's pattern of identification theory was different from scholar schools of general Shanghan an Wu's warm disease. His book, ”Tongsu Shanghan Lun”, was a diagnosis and treatment book which could be used in externally contracted disease patterns during seasons. The purpose of the present will discuss the characters of prescriptions and drug use in the book ”Tongsu Shanghan Lun” written by Dr. Yu's. The study collected 101 prescriptions from the chapter of six-channel formulas in the book, and analyzed the drug types, using frequency and dosage. The result showed that the characters of prescriptions by Dr. Yu's such as (1) the treatment of externally contracted disease was based on identify patterns and administer prescriptions; (2) easily changing the ancient formulas composition to treat diseases; (3) combined with pills or powders to enhance the efficacy; (4) combined formulas according to the principle of treatment. Dr. Yu's character of drug use such as (1) drug use emphasizes on dampness transformation according to the geographic environment; (2) application of the drug use with lower dose and often using the plants and flowers; (3) Adding few acrimonious drugs to enhance the efficacy; (4) clearing the serious pericardial patterns with the heart and orifices-opening drug such as rhinoceros horn and antelope horn. The study suggested that clinicians can follow the principles of prescription and drug use by Dr. Yu's to reinforce their treatment effect.
