  • 期刊


Kuo Pao Kun's Literature World and A Psychological Analysis on it


早期的郭寶崑的劇本創作毋庸置疑是一種理性的啟蒙式作品,主題選擇、人物塑造方面顯得單薄,延續和繼承的是中國左翼立場的現實主義話劇傳統,如《喂,醒醒!》(1968)、《掙扎》(1969)、《成長》(1975)等都是重要代表作。我們能從這個階段劇本的字裡行間窺探出郭寶崑的創作心態,如《小白船》(1982)中對孫乙丁這一人物的塑造,我們能夠感覺到郭寶崑對文學把握社會人生的無力感。《老九》(1990)是郭寶崑最重要代表作,這部作品的主題相對明確,可是細讀劇本,我們可以發現其人物角色、藝術表現,更重要的是文本中透露出作者那種面對時代的不適感(無所適從感),讓作品內涵豐富了許多。1990年代,以《鷹貓會》(1990)、《000 么》(1991)、《黃昏上山》(1992)、《鄭和的後代》(1995)、《借東風》(1996)作品為代表,郭寶崑踐行和實驗著現代主義文學技藝,但精神上的惶惑卻是暴露無遺。《阿公肉骨茶》(1997)是郭寶崑後期重要代表作,這部作品體現出郭寶崑找到了精神平衡的出路,之後《靈戲》(1998)繼續安撫著郭寶崑不安定的藝術靈魂。本文將著力於郭寶崑的作品細讀,並結合新加坡轉型時期的社會變化,呈現和挖掘郭寶崑的文學精神和創作心態。


Kuo Pao-kun's plays written from 1950s to 1980s are no doubt rational and enlightening. Their themes and characterization both follow Chinese traditional realist dramas. Master pieces written in this period include ”Hey, Wake Up!” (1968), ”Struggle” (1969), and ”Grow” (1975), etc. We can read Kuo's writing principles between the lines from his plays at this stage. For example, We can see the powerlessness Kuo feels on Sun Yi-ding in ”White Boat” (1982). ”Old Nine” (1990) is Kuo's most important work. The theme of this work is relatively clear, but if we read the script, we can find that the text reveals the times discomfort. In the 1990s, ”Eagle Cats” (1990), ”000 Unitary” (1991), ”Mountain-climbing in Twilight” (1992), ”Zheng He's offspring” (1995), ”By the Wind” (1996) are representative. Kuo practiced modernist literary skills in these works, but his mental apprehension is unmasked too. ”Grandpa Bak Kut Teh” (1997) is an important representative of late Kuo Pao-kun. This work reflects that Kuo Pao Kun found a way of spiritual-balance. Then ”Spirit Play” (1998) continues to appease Kuo's restless artistic soul. This article will focus on detailed reading of Kuo's works, trying to show and reveal Kuo's literary spirit and writing philosophy, by observing at the same time the social changes Singapore had during the transition period.


〈寶崑的故事可以一直說下去 國內外文化人悼念戲劇家郭寶崑〉,《聯合早報》(新加坡),2002 年9 月12 日
《南洋商報》第5 版,1956 年10 月25 日
余秋雨,〈世紀典範 悼念戲劇家郭寶崑〉,《聯合早報》(新加坡)2002 年9 月12 日
郭寶崑,〈戲的劇變─華語話劇如何變中求存?〉,《聯合早報》(新加坡),1984 年8 月9 日


