  • 期刊


Gothic Romance in Qiong Yao's Early Works: Analyzing the Narrative of Trauma in Two Novels, Dodder Flower and You Can't Tell Him By Using the Approach of Cryptonymy




This paper attempts to examine the early works of Qiong Yao that can be identified as Gothic Romance, and I will use the perspective of cryptonymy to analyze the significance of note-writing and narrative of trauma in these Gothic texts. As a genre, the Gothic texts often contain the following elements: a dark and deserted place haunted by ghosts, fragments of notes, secrets and their disclosure, the imprisonment of female characters and their escape, and moral transgression. These elements can be interpreted by psychoanalytical approaches, with key concepts such as the uncanny, the double, doppelganger, the abjection of maternity, the encounter and mixture of self and the other. This study accepts these key concepts as useful tools, and at the same time adopts the perspective of cryptonymy to go beyond individual psychology and to explore collective as well as personal trauma caused by diaspora and home-leaving. Cryptonymy emphasizes the importance of silence, absence, and concealment in the text, and how they keep secrets unknown but eventually disclose parts of these secretes. Gothic Romance is based on love story, adding the above-mentioned Gothic elements. The function of a name/word does not necessarily refers to someone or something, but to provides a guide for readers to explore multiple and divergent paths, in order to find out the trauma and collective unconsciousness of fictional characters/the author/the reader/and society as a whole. This paper focuses on two novels: Dodder Flower and You Can't Tell Him, using cryptonymic approach to analyze different desire formations of different female characters and the binary oppositions of the results of desire: sense of guilt and self-awakening. I will also explore the way the Gothic genre can be used as a tool to represent collective and individual trauma caused by diaspora and home-leaving. And these traumatic experiences also lead to two different polars: madness or self-growth.


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Derrida, Jacques(2006).Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, The Work of Mourning and the New International.New York:Routledge.
Hogle, Jerrold E.(ed.)(2002).The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction.Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press.
