  • 期刊


Impacts and Prospects of Fog and Haze on Environmental Governance in Taiwan and China


2013 年中國大陸霧霾天氣持續,不僅對大陸民眾身體健康造成威脅,對大陸交通、民眾生活作息均產生影響,引發社會關注。大陸政府採取一系列作為,意圖對大陸空氣品質及PM2.5 的污染有所改善。本文分析大陸霧霾天氣的原因,對大陸環境治理的衝擊與因應。並對大陸PM_(2.5) 亦會隨著高壓南下影響到台灣地區空氣品質之案例加以剖析。本文比較兩岸空氣品質管理法令,各有優勢,大陸「大氣污染防治法」列入環境影響評估,並討論能源政策,具有戰略高度,但罰則較輕,罰鍰較低。台灣「空氣污染防治法」對管制工作下放地方政府,處罰較為嚴格。針對霧霾天氣及PM_(2.5) 污染,大陸與台灣均承受不同壓力。雙方在過去之治理作為各有所長。本文亦提出大陸與台灣未來在PM_(2.5) 管制上可共同研發解決的難題,大陸可提供台灣的協助及建議。霧霾天氣的改善,PM_(2.5) 濃度的降低,應是兩岸環境合作中,重中之重,如何讓兩岸同胞都能看到藍天,呼吸到新鮮的空氣,將考驗雙方領導人的智慧。


Hazy weather prevailed in mainland China during 2013, not only posing a threat to the health of people on the mainland, but also affecting mainland transportation, impacting people's lifestyles, and generally eliciting social concern. The mainland Chinese government has adopted a series of measures intended to improve air quality and the PM_(2.5) pollution situation. This paper analyzes the causes of fog and haze pollution in mainland China and its impact on and responses to environmental governance in mainland China. In addition, the impacts of such pollution on air quality in the Taiwan area during high pressure conditions to the south are analyzed. This paper then compares air quality management acts in Taiwan and mainland China, each having its own advantages. Mainland China's Air Pollution Control Act includes requirements for environmental impact assessment, discusses energy policy, and has a strategic perspective but has lighter penalty requirements and lower fines. Taiwan's Air Pollution Control Act is decentralized, with control efforts placed on local governments, and requires more stringent penalties. Concerning fog, haze, and PM_(2.5) pollution, mainland China and Taiwan are under different pressures. In the past governance on each side each has its own merits. This paper also proposes measures by which Taiwan and mainland China can jointly solve the problem of PM_(2.5) regulation, with mainland China providing assistance and advice to Taiwan. Ameliorating fog and haze pollution and decreasing PM_(2.5) concentrations should involve cross-straits environmental cooperation. The top priority, to have compatriots on both sides of the straits see blue skies and breathe fresh air, will test the wisdom on leaders on both sides.


haze fog PM_(2.5) PM_(10) Air Pollution Control Act


