  • 期刊


Spinoza's Theory of the Constitution of Multitude: A Reinterpretation




In the genealogy of contemporary political theory, the conception of multitude in Spinoza is an intellectual source of importance. The present article aims to explore the theoretical thesis of "the constitution of multitude." By comparing the doctrines of natural rights of Hobbes and of Spinoza, the first section demonstrates the agreement of natural rights (powers) in Spinoza. Based on the agreement of powers, the multitude as a category of political collectivity replaces the foundation of sovereignty with the constitution of the multitude. There are two theoretical displacements in Spinoza: The first one proposes two modes of multitude and the oscillation or passage between them. But the affective networks weaving the multitude make this passage unattainable, as Balibar and Strauss clarified. For the contemporary thoughts inspired by Spinoza, this seeming impasse requires the second theoretical displacement to determine the dynamics of constitution of multitude by the becoming of active affects, instead of the overcoming of passive affections with active ones. And this is why the reassessment of affects and the emphasis of "the common" are two major threads in Negri's interpretation of Spinoza.


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