  • 期刊


The Inhabitation and Identity of Ryukyuans in Taiwan after WW II



第二次世界大戰後,部分國民黨政府官員認識到琉球群島地理位置之重要性,爲爭取外交談判上有利情勢,曾祕密援助琉球革命同志會幹部所推動復歸中國之運動,對外則強調琉球人民應有自決權。這項對琉球的祕密工作,主要是在臺灣進行,因此也影響到在臺琉球人之法律地位與實際的生活。 1949年國府撤退來臺之後,官方一直堅持琉球主權歸屬未定之主張。這種主張的背後,充分顯示中國對邊境領土的霸權思想。此外,國府對琉球與臺灣居民往來與經貿活動,也一直採行特別的管制措施,其結果不僅嚴重阻礙臺灣與琉球之交流,也讓在臺琉球人的處境更加艱困。回顧戰後臺灣與琉球之關係,我們必須以現地民眾爲主體的角度,重新思考兩地人民遭受國際政治與國家權力操弄的命運,如此才能感同身受地理解,戰後琉球民眾在「復歸」、「自治」或「獨立」之間摸索去殖民化的艱辛歷程,以及在臺琉球人提出「要求真正的自由與解放」之深切意涵。


After the world war II, some of the leaders of the Chinese government acknowledged the geographical importance of the Ryukyu Islands. To increase its diplomatic negotiation chip, the ROC government had secretly provided economic aids to the Ryukyu Revolution League for its movement of reunification with China. However, the Chinese government was in public to emphasize the importance of self-determination for the people of the Ryukyu Islands. Because this secret diplomatic policy toward the Ryukyu Islands was mainly conducted in Taiwan, it directly affected the legal status and the life of the Ryukyuans in Taiwan. Since the ROC government retreated to Taiwan in 1949, its position regarding the sovereignty of the Ryukyu Islands is that its status is undecided. This kind of attitude reveals that the ROC was potentially to try to control its neighboring territory. The ROC government implemented a control policy toward the people-to-people and trade relations between Taiwan and Ryukyu. This policy not only seriously hinders the interaction between Taiwan and Ryukyu, but also increases the hardship of life of the Ryukyuans in Taiwan. Rethinking the destiny of Taiwan and Ryukyu in the postwar era, they were influenced by the international politics and the politicians' manipulation. Nowadays, we had to stand on the side of the Ryukyuan to look at the problems and difficulties under their de-colonization movement-reunification, autonomous, independence. Proper research also helps us to understand the meaning of ”demanding the true freedom and the liberation” by the Ryukyuans in Taiwan.


