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German Nuclear Policy after the 311 Nuclear Disaster and a Simultaneous Review of Public Participation of German Nuclear Governance




This article focuses on the development of the German nuclear policy before and after the 311 nuclear disaster. Above all to analyze in the autumn of 2010 to middle of 2011, how Merkel's government amended twice the Atomic Energy Act, the previous concerned to extend nuclear using periods; the last was to abolish nuclear reactors until 2022, then to achieve the goal of energy policy for 2050. This Article will explain why the German nuclear policies in this period changed was, particular by comparison with different approaches from nuclear energy or renewable energy and saving energy.The result shows: the change of the environmental value and risk awareness of the stakeholders, they concern about German energy policy, are the key factors to impact the nuclear policy. These lead to German started to develop different energy industry, life style and biological environment. At last the author tries to evaluate German nuclear governance and German experience will be a reference for Taiwan, which also is a country, using nuclear energy, and with huge amount of personal carbon emissions.


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