  • 期刊


Grief Adjustment among Survivors of Suicide (SoS): The Preliminary Construction of Task-Crisis Model


本研究旨在建構自殺者遺族悲傷調適之模式,採用質性研究,以立意取樣11位自殺者遺族為研究對象,半結構訪談的方法收集資料。分析的方法參考Colaizzi (1978)的七個步驟,並使用ATLAS.ti 5.0套裝軟體進行資料分析,研究已通過人體試驗委員會(IRB)的審查。結果發現自殺者遺族生理、感覺、認知與行為方面的悲傷反應,可以發現整體悲傷反應的特徵,包含:震驚、困惑、憤怒與罪惡感、懷抱悲傷、無意義、緘默。上述特徵可能進一步形成壓抑、尋找、怪罪、憂鬱、絕望、孤獨的危機。由遺族採取的身體、心理、靈性與社會的悲傷調適,可以發現調適的目標以建構悲傷任務,包含:表達悲傷、放下困惑、同理逝者、告別逝者、創造意義、祝福逝者。本研究嘗試以任務論初步建構的自殺者遺族悲傷調適之模式,包含以下六個由「任務-危機」組成的主題:表達-壓抑、放手-尋找、同理-怪罪、告別-憂鬱、超越-絕望、祝福-孤獨。此模式可以幫助自殺者遺族與實務工作者瞭解尚有可努力的事,而且悲傷可以到達一個讓人滿意的狀態,能幫助找到著力點。


The study aimed to explore grief reactions and adjustments of survivors of suicide (SoS), and to construct a model on grief adjustment. Using semi-constructed and in-depth interviews of eleven SoS, data was analyzed with Colaizzi's (1978) seven steps and ATLAS.ti 5.0 software. Combining SoS' physical sensational, feeling, cognitive, and behavioral grief reactions, characteristics of whole grief reaction were discovered. It included shock, confusion, anger & guilt, long-term feelings of sadness, meaninglessness, and silence. These characteristics might induce crises, including answer searching, blaming of others, depression, hopelessness, and loneliness. As to means of physical, mental, spiritual, and social grief adjustment taken from SoS, the following strategies could be used: expressing the grief, letting go of unanswered questions, empathizing the victims, bidding farewell, creating meaning, and to say a blessing for the victim. This study formed the preliminary construction of the model of grief adjustment among SoS with the following six ”task-crisis” themes: expression-repression, letting go-searching, empathy-blame, farewell-depression, look beyond-hopelessness, blessing-loneliness. In sum, the process of grief adjustment is long and time-consuming, and the ”task-crisis” model enables SoS and caregivers to realize possible endeavors and reach an acceptable state of grief. With regard to the SoS who are in despair in terms of grief adjustment and most of those caregivers who feel helpless at the face of SoS' poignant and complex form of grief, the model can point to a means of intervention.


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