  • 期刊


Using Health Failure Mode and Effect Analysis to Improve the Workflow of Measuring Weights by Hemodialysis Patients


醫療服務強調的是以病人為中心的照護模式,除醫療照護外,預應式的危機管理已成醫療服務的重要一環。2002年,美國醫療機構評鑑委員會(Joint Commission Accredited of Health Organization,JCAHO)開始要求轄管醫療機構至少每年選擇一項高風險的照護流程,執行預防性的風險評估作業,以達到辨識風險在先,防止意外事故發生。故本專案運用失效模式與效應分析(Health Failure mode and effect analysis,HFMEA),分析血液透析病人測量及計算體重過程潛在的風險。經過HFMEA的風險評估,主要測量及計算體重失效模式有以下三點:一、測量體重流程不正確,造成體重數值錯誤;二、單位缺乏有效、便利溝通工具,導致體重登錄錯誤;三、護理人員核算體重不精確,致使透析脫水量設定錯誤。因此本專案期望透過HFMEA之應用介紹,促進醫療人員運用HFMEA的普及與熟練度,進而提升人員對潛在風險的敏感度與預應改善能力,達到保障病人安全之目的。


Objective: To help the readers and editors of Taipei City Medical Journal to understand the development history of the journal over the last seven years and to examine future developmental trends. Methods: Bibliometrics was used to investigate the characteristics and topics of 639 articles that were published in Taipei City Medical Journal from 2004 and 2010. Co-authoring, high-productivity authors and citation characteristics were analyzed. Results: The content quality of Taipei City Medical Journal is stable and a diversity of topics is one of its key features. The topics covered in the journal are mainly related to Surgery. The number of articles written by authors from other hospitals or clinics other than Taipei City Hospital has shown an increasing trend and there are an increasing number of co-authored articles. Conclusion: Taipei City Medical Journal was used as an example to help an understanding of bibliometrics, which is a completely developed and effective analysis method. It allows the investigation of the importance of the journal in relation to medical information and will aid its hospital evaluation. At the same time, the results provide appropriate information to hospitals that may intend to publish in various academic journals and help to hospitals that have already published in various published medical journals by comparing the differences and similarities between journals.


