  • 期刊


Mobile Device App_Parkour games Interface as an Example


在現代科技快速變遷之下,許多娛樂產業紛紛轉型為數位化形式,而遊戲類一直是在娛樂產業中坐穩龍頭的類別。當行動裝置普及化後,App遊戲更是大舉入侵了遊戲產業,以現今遊戲產業如此競爭的時代,遊戲能否吸引或滿足玩家持續使用的意願,除了遊戲玩法或風格的特殊性之外,遊戲的介面亦是重點之一。本研究所探討的App遊戲介面設計個案以跑酷遊戲為主,試圖分析兩種不同美術風格之遊戲介面,研究樣本App遊戲分別是Despicable Me(神偷奶爸)和Temple Run2(神廟逃亡2),調查則透過電子問卷方式給受測者進行填寫,隨後以問卷數據呈現結果,分析受試者對於此兩款介面設計之偏好程度,其中,由問卷所建構之三個構面分析結果為:(1)神偷奶爸遊戲App介面配置偏好度高於神廟逃亡;(2)神廟逃亡2遊戲App視覺設計偏好度高於神偷奶爸;(3)神偷奶爸遊戲App資訊內容偏好度高於神廟逃亡2。影響兩款遊戲介面偏好的結果顯示在最後一章節整理出後續說明,以及建議若為遊戲或動畫改編之原創遊戲,這項影響因子將可做為往後在遊戲介面設計實務之考量。


App介面 偏好 跑酷遊戲


Nowadays, in the rapid change of technology, many entertainment enterprises have transformed into the form of digitization. And among the many kinds of entertainments, games have always been the major type in the entertainment industry. After the popularization of the mobile devices, game applications have started invading into the game industry. With the severe competition in today’s game industry, the key to attract and keep users willing to use the apps, aside from the distinctive rules of and the unique style of the game itself, is the interface of the game. This research aims at investigating the interface design of the game apps concerning the ones of Parkour kind. The paper tries to analyze two different aesthetic styles of the game app interfaces. The samples of the research include the Despicable Me and the Temple Run 2 apps. The data are collected via online questionnaires. Furthermore, the results are presented in statistics which analyzes the testers’ preferences for the respective interface design of the two game apps. The analyzed results obtained from the three aspects designed in the questionnaires are that there are (1) a higher degree of preference for the interface design of the Despicable Me app than that of the Temple Run 2 app, (2) a higher degree of preference for the visual art design of the Temple Run 2 app, and (3) a higher degree of preference for the information contents of the Despicable Me app. With the results of the research, the paper then provides follow-up explanations and suggestions in the final chapter. It proposes that the interface design may be taken into consideration in and applied to the design of the game play or the making of the original games adapted from animations.


App interface preference Parkour game


跑酷遊戲 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%B7%91%E9%85%B7
林以淳、高清漢、楊俊明(2012)。LINE 和Instagram 介面設計品質研究之初探。工業設計。127,156-161。
