  • 期刊


The Application of Taiwanese Hakka Culture to the Creative Design of T-shirt A Case study on Twin Hall of the Liu Family in Xinzhu Xinpu


台灣是一座美麗、擁有豐富文化特質的寶島,有台灣原住民、客家文化、閩南文化及中國傳統文化,在這些多元歷史背景的交錯下,產生出台灣獨特的文化特質,也造就台灣文化強韌的包容力。其中,台灣客家文化是近年政府及學者專研與推廣許久的文化,許多客家藝術工作者將客家文化運用現代思潮,將過去的傳統文化發揮「創意」,使傳統文化擁有創新性思考。然而大多數對於客家文化僅有花布、桐花祭、擂茶、炒粄條、客家小炒、採茶舞、純樸、刻苦耐勞等精神。因此,本研究將台灣客家文化作為研究對象,以訪談法做為研究方法,範圍以新竹新埔劉氏雙堂屋作田野調查,瞭解早期客家人的食衣住行概況,並以雙堂屋管理人劉榮基及其客家耆老作為訪談對象,除了瞭解客家文化,也藉由此機會瞭解新埔劉氏雙堂屋歷史,並作為客家圖案創作的參考資訊。筆者在最後的作品呈現,以具現代思潮的T 恤設計呈現客家文化,並融合文獻彙整的內容做創作靈感,目的在於透過T 恤圖案讓大眾易於瞭解客家文化,發揚我國本土文化特色。


Taiwan is a beautiful island with rich culture including Taiwan aboriginals, Hakka, Southern Fujian, and China traditional cultures. Taiwan’s unique culture is formed under the various complexities of historical backgrounds, and it also brings Taiwan with strong tolerance. Among these cultures, it is Taiwan Hakka culture that has been researched and promoted by the government and scholars in recent years. Many Hakka artists bring out creativity from the traditional culture with modern thinking so that traditional culture is possessed with innovating thought. However, most of the impressions of Hakka culture are flower markets, Tung Blossom Festival, Lei tea, fried flat noodles, Hakka stir fry, ts'ai ch'a wu (tea-picking song-dance) as well as the spirits of simple, hard-working and enduring strength. Therefore, this research aims at researching the Hakka culture with the interview method, conducting field research on Twin Hall of the Liu Family in Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County to understand the overview of food, clothing, living, and transporting of early Hakka culture. With LIU, JUNG-CHI, the manager of Twin Hall of the Liu Family in Xinpu Township, and other Hakka elderlies as the interviewees, we understand not only the Hakka culture but the history of Twin Hall of the Liu Family with this chance, using the information as the reference of Hakka image creations. In the last work, the author presents the Hakka culture with modern T-shirt design, combining the references as the inspiration of the creation in order to make the public know Hakka culture much more easier through the image on T-shirt and to carry forward the culture features of our own country.


客家委員會。全國客家日公布 「天穿日」脫穎而出【最新消息】。取自:http://www.hakka.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=94091&ctNode=2159&mp=2013。
ZABWAY十月國際有限公司。Zabway - 2012 T-Shirt比賽活動得獎作品。取自:http://www.zabway.com/。
ZABWAY 十月國際有限公司。第二屆「ZABWAY」T-shirt 設計比賽得獎作品。取自:http://www.zabway.com/。
