  • 期刊


The Discussion on the Analysis of the Effects of Key Factors upon Tourists' Satisfaction-An Empirical Study of Hualien County


政府目前正大力推廣國內觀光旅遊,本研究由遊客的旅遊動機、行前決策、遊客滿意度三個構面來探討影響花蓮遊客實際體驗滿意度之關鍵因素且加以分析。利用SPSS 10.0統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,研究結果發現:影響滿意度之關鍵因素在動機部分發現,遊客大都是因爲「慕名嚮往及獲取新體驗」,在出發前較會考慮的是「個人適宜的評估階段」,在實際體驗滿意度的因子中「活動設施及環境」這項因子對遊憩滿意度的影響最大,若花蓮的「經營及實質環境」有改善,遊客則更願意到花蓮旅遊。此研究結果可提供政府機關及相關業者未來在經營、及開發旅遊路線時,能從遊客的動機面開始,作爲規劃、行銷觀光政策的參考依據,進而開發遊客想要的旅遊景點以提升旅遊品質。


The government has currently made great efforts to promote domestic tourism. This research examined the effects of key factors upon the degree of tourists' satisfaction in Hualien County from three aspects, such as motive of travel, pre-departure decision-making and the degree of satisfaction of real experiences. SPSS 10.0 statistics software was used to conduct data analyses and the results were as follows: in terms of the effect of the key factor, travel motive, upon tourists' satisfaction, tourists are mainly motivated by ”reputations and acquisitions of new experiences.” ”Personal suitability evaluation phase” is more often considered in their pre-departure decision-making. In respect of the degree of satisfaction of real experiences, ”activity facilities and environment” have the greatest impact upon recreational satisfaction. If ”management and the actual environment” in Hualien can be improved, then tourists will be more willing to come to Hualien. The results obtained from this research can serve as references for government institutions as well as parties concerned in the tourism industry in their management and development of travel routes. The aspect of tourists' motive of travel will be the starting point to help formulate and market tourism policies, and further develop travel spots desired by tourists in order to promote the quality of travel.


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