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NGO Accountability in Foreign Aid Process: Case Study of "Taiwan Indonesia Aceh Digital Education Project"


本文關注全球化時代各國總體發展及數位落差日益擴大,非政府組織(Non-Government Organization, NGO)如何介入東南亞社會發展進程,特別是後進國家的非政府組織所遭遇到的困境及迷思。本研究呈現台灣援外NGO跨國運作的實際情況,以接受台北市政府印尼海嘯善款補助的「印尼亞齊數位學習計畫」為分析個案,探討NGO從事跨國援助過程中的問責性議題。 本文研究台灣的NGO組織如何在受海嘯重創的印尼亞齊本那央(Peunayong)地區成立數位學習中心,嘗試串聯台灣與亞齊間的人際網絡以動員社會資本(social capital)投入推廣數位學習,促進當地的社區發展。然而,這樣的努力雖有助於當地對外資訊的取得,卻未全面完成促進社區發展的目標。這與亞齊特殊的社會條件有關,但關鍵仍在於援外組織的治理與協調。我們指出內部治理不良,才是亞齊數位學習計畫無法完全達到預期成效的主因。 除了整理相關文獻,本研究同時採用直接觀察、訪談等質性研究資料,加上作者曾參與研究對象之實際運作,有利於事件脈絡的掌握。本文依據上述資料分析NGO的運作及問責形式,對援外發展實務及當前流行的「社會資本論」提出若干反思。


The article is focusing on how NGO are involved in the social development in Southeast Asia, especially the dilemma and myth facing by NGO in developing countries. To investigate the issue of accountability, the article takes the example of Taiwan-Aceh Taskforce, an NGO funded by Taipei City Government; also, the article describes how the Taskforce promoting digital education in Indonesia's Aceh, a province suffered seriously in the tsunami disaster in December 2004. The article describes how the Taiwan-Aceh Taskforce was trying to promote the development of local community by connecting the social network between Taiwan and Aceh. The Taskforce established a Digital Learning Center in Peunayong District, and through the transnational network, this Taiwan-originated NGO promoted the digital learning in Peunayong and thus promoting the development of the local community. The endeavor of the Taskforce, though helping Peunayong accessing more information from abroad, was failed to achieve the expected further development for local community. We found that the failure of internal governance was the determinant, making the Taiwanese NGO failed to perform as well as expected. Besides reviewing related literatures, the authors also adopted the methods of participant observation and in-depth interview. Furthermore, the author's participation in operations of the program studied is helpful for understanding the context of this event. Based on related data and experience, this article analyzes the operation and accountability of NGO, and thus providing some opinions on the practice of foreign-aiding and the prevailing social capital theory.


indonesia Aceh NGO social development accountability foreign aid


Ananta, Aris,Aris Ananta(eds.),Lee Poh Onn (eds.)(2007).Aceh: A New Dawn.Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.


