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Contextualizing Security Complexity in ASEAN Community: Power Politics and the South China Sea Dispute


東南亞國協(Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN)被視為是推動東南亞與亞太區域整合最重要的政府間合作機制。從1990年代開始,東協便積極推動共同體計畫,預定於2015年底完成此一共同體建成規劃。這是一個新的階段性進程,更是東協整合的新起點。該共同體是冷戰結束後,東協成員國企圖透過共同體實踐的過程,逐漸整合立場各異的國家利益,並且進一步型塑出東南亞整體的未來願景。然而,東協國家積極推進深化整合目標仍存有挑戰,諸多問題尚未解決,例如:各國嚴重的經濟發展落差、文化差異、棘手的政治發展及安全困境等。本文將深入探討此一安全議題的複雜化對於東協的「內部」意義,並特別以南海爭端為例作為分析的對象,亦將探討東協共同體所面臨錯綜複雜的安全情勢,特別強調「外部」強權政治的介入,如何影響東協共同體在南海爭端上的作法,以及對於共同體的新挑戰。


Association of Southeast Asian Nations is considered as the most important intergovernmental organization for regional integration of Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific region. ASEAN has promoted such an integration project since 1990s, and targeted for embodiment of ASEAN Community by the end of 2015. Since the end of Cold War, the member states have came to compromise, found the common ground, and envisioned the common future. The realization of ASEAN Community would be not only a big progress but a new beginning. Even so, there are such challenges for further integration as economic and cultural gaps among each other, and political as well as security dilemma. This author analyzed security issues, focusing on the South China Sea disputes, from inside-out perspective. Besides, the author took the involvement of external super power into consideration from outside-in perspective. On the basis of these two perspectives, the author brought up his observations for the future development of ASEAN.


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《中時電子報》(2015)〈日將提供防衛裝備予菲〉。11 月20 日。網址:http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20151120000022-260408 。(2016/1/10)
《中國外交部》(2014)〈中國-東盟關係(10+1)〉。8 月。網址:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/gjhdq_676201/gjhdqzz_681964/lhg_682518/zghgzz_682522/。(2016/1/10)
《中國外交部》(2015a)〈落實「南海各方行為宣言」第十次高官會在成都舉行〉。10 月20 日。網址: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/wjbxw_673019/t1307572.shtml。(2016/1/10)
