  • 期刊


Current Status of Application of Information Technology on Agricultural Production and Marketing in Taiwan


臺灣農業在我國農政部門、農業試驗研究單位及農民積極作為下,不斷以創新的農業科技引領著農業發展,如品種的改良、生產技術的改進,得以有效提升農產品的產量與品質。然而在臺灣加入世界貿易組織(WTO)之後,面臨強大國際農產品進口的競爭壓力,農政部門採取的策略是主動出擊而非被動防禦。因此必須調整生產型態,避免與國外農產品做價格上的競爭,而以發展出差異性、不可替代性的產品或服務來強化競爭優勢,其中又以結合國內電子資訊產業,利用資訊科技(IT,Information Technology)整合農業資源接軌國際行銷全球,透過精確產銷資訊的分析與應用提升農產品產銷效率最具優勢。資訊科技在農業經營上的應用由來已久,而且層面亦相當廣泛,以行政院農業委員會所規劃的「建構完整農業資訊體系」,即包含生產調查、市場交易、行銷服務、農產貿易、產銷分析、經營輔導及農業環境等七項資訊化應用機制,利用網際網路與行動通訊加速農產品的產銷資料調查、蒐集及資訊提供,並輔導農民及農漁會員工應用資訊科技,同時亦發展農產品電子商務之應用。近來更因國內食品安全問題磊生,農政部門復積極建構臺灣農產品安全鏈(Food Safety Chain),研擬農產品生產履歷制度,以保障消費者食的安全及農民應有的收益。這些相關的應用服務可從產銷班經營管理系統、產銷班資訊服務網、農產品網路商城、農業資料倉儲系統、農產品生產履歷管理資訊系統以及臺灣農產品安全追溯資訊網等資訊系統的建立與推廣窺見一斑。競爭力大師麥可波特(Michael Porter)曾說資訊科技是貫穿產業價值鏈(value chain)的重要工具,在農業價值鏈上應用資訊科技不但提供產銷活動改善效率的機會,更可激發新產品的研發、設計及創新的服務、行銷,使農產品的價值得以提升,這適足以說明農業資訊化對我國農業經濟的發展可以產生巨大的推動作用和深遠影響。在完整的農業資訊體系中,農業也能夠透過知識快速整合與分享激發創新,不斷向前推動發展成為『知識產業』。今後臺灣農業要轉型,必須走出傳統以『增產』為目標的『數量經濟』發展,而朝向以『增值』為主軸的『知識經濟』發展,將過去以『提升生產力』為核心的農業政策,轉變為『提升競爭力』為主的發展策略,達到在經濟面創造符合市場價值的農產品,使農民可以獲取收益;在社會方面,保存傳統文化,並確保民眾足夠的糧食;在環境方面,發展足以保育自然資源與維護環境品質的永續農業。


The development of Taiwan's agriculture has been led, through the efforts of our related organizations and farmers, by continuous improvement in agricultural technology such as improved crops and production techniques, thus effectively raise the volume and quality of her agricultural products. Nevertheless, in the face of strong competitive pressure from international farm produce imports since Taiwan's admission into the World Trade Organization (WTO), our strategy has been shifted from passive defense to ”preemptive strike”. Adjustments were necessary in the production models so as to avoid competing, price-wise, with foreign farm produces. Differentiated and irreplaceable products or services were also developed to foster our competitive advantage. Furthermore Taiwan's strength in the IT industry may be integrated with her agricultural resources to allow sales on a worldwide basis, as well as to raise the efficiency of agricultural productions and sales, through accurate analysis and applications of the relevant information. The application of information technologies in agricultural operations has had a long history and has covered a wide area. The ”Construction of a Complete Agricultural Information System” by COA includes the application of IT in 7 areas, namely, production survey, market transactions, sales services, agricultural trades, analysis of production and sales, guidance in operations and agricultural environment. Issues such as the use of internet and mobile communication to expedite the survey, collation and provision of agricultural production and sales, the assistance of farmers and fishery association members to adopt information technologies, and the application of e-commerce for agricultural produces are also includd. In recent years the recurrence of food safety issue within Taiwan has also promoted the agricultural authorities to actively set up the Food Safety Chain, studying into the possibility of establishing farm produce track record so as to protect the consumers' safety as well as farmers' rightful earnings. All of the said application services are evident in the establishment and promotion of information systems such as the agriculture production and marketing group's operation management system, the agriculture production and marketing group's information service networking, the e-farm, the agricultural material data warehouse, the agricultural product resume management information system and the Taiwan agriculture and food traceability system, etc. Michael Porter, the guru on competitiveness, once said the information technology is an important tool throughout an industry's entire value chain. The application of information technology in the agriculture industry will not only provide a chance to improve efficiencies in production and sales activities but also stimulate the research, development and design of new products, pioneering services and sales to raise the value of farm produces. It is clear, therefore, that the use of information technology in the agriculture industry is crucial in creating depth and lasting impact on the development of Taiwan's agricultural economy. In a complete agricultural information system, the industry may, through the sharing of knowledge to quick integrate and stimulate creativity, thus developing continuously towards a ”knowledge industry”. For Taiwan's agriculture economy to reinvent itself, it must denounce the traditional target of ”increased production” at the core of a ”numbers economy” in favor of ”value-added” as the axis for a ”knowledge-based economy”, moving from ”raising production” as a policy in the past to ”enhancing competitiveness” as a development strategy. In this way, farm produces of value to the market may be made, benefiting the farmers financially, while the social and cultural traditions are still being preserved to ensure adequate supply of food to the population. Finally, the development will help protect natural resources and maintain environmental quality as well as sustainable agricultural industry.


吳佳縈(2017)。應用大數據分析模式探討農產品電子商務利潤之決定因素 -以真情食品館網路商城為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201701214
