

抽穗期影響水稻於不同地區與不同季節之生長與栽培,也關係著稻米產量與品質。日本良質稉稻越光品種在臺灣地區栽培時,由於光週期敏感而提早抽穗,難以維持產量與品質。本研究利用分子標幟輔助選種將臺灣水稻優良栽培品種臺農67號之hd1、Hd6和ehd1等三個抽穗期等位基因以回交育種導入越光(HdHd1 hd6hd6 Ehd1Ehd1),衍生三個BC3F2族群,以評估此三個抽穗期基因於臺灣嘉義氣候環境條件下對抽穗期的影響。此三個BC3F2族群於2009年二期作於田間自然光照栽種,其抽穗期皆出現連續性分布,經分析後發現三個基因對抽穗期之影響並不一致。以Ehd1影響抽穗期效應最大,可解釋21.6至36.8%之抽穗期變異,遺傳模式為不完全顯性,且ehd1ehd1基因型之抽穗期較長,延遲天數最長可達17.4天;其次為Hd1,可解釋2.5至6.5%之抽穗期變異,hd1hd1最長延遲天數可達6.8天;Hd6對抽穗期的影響最小,僅解釋1.5至2.6%之抽穗期變異,且易受環境影響,而TNG 67的Hd6Hd6則提前約4.4天抽穗期,因此,推測基因型Hd1Hd1 Hd6Hd6 Ehd1Ehd1者之抽穗期為最短,基因型hd1hd1 hd6hd6 ehd1ehd1之抽穗期為最長。本試驗結果解釋了三個基因之27種基因型在短日照環境下對抽穗期的影響,將助益於輔助選育適當抽穗期品種,以適應不同的栽培制度與環境。


Heading date not only determines the adaptation and cultivation of rice in various areas and seasons but also influences yield and grain quality. Koshihikari, a Japanese elite cultivar known to have good eating and appearance quality, is highly sensitive to change in photoperiod. Early heading and consequently low yield and grain quality would be resulted when Koshihikari is planted in Taiwan. Tainung 67 (TNG 67) is a Taiwan elite cultivar and is found insensitive to photoperiod. We introduced three heading date alleles of TNG 67, hd1, Hd6, and ehd1, to Koshihikari (HdHd1 hd6hd6 Ehd1Ehd1) via recurrent breeding by marker assisted selection (MAS). The distribution of heading date of three BC3F2 populations derived from three heterozygous BC3F1 individuals exhibited continuous pattern under natural daylength in the second cropping season of 2009. After ANOVA analysis, results showed that the effects of these three heading date genes were different. Ehd1 performed partial dominance and had the largest effect on heading, providing 21.6 to 36.8% of phenotypic variation explanation (PVE). The recessive homozygote ehd1ehd1 could postpone heading date for 17.4 days. Hd1, a complete dominant gene, provided 2.5 to 6.5% of PVE on heading. The recessive homozygote hd1hd1 could postpone heading date for 6.8 days. Hd6 had the minor effect and could explain 1.5 to 2.6% of heading date variation. In addition, the expression of Hd6 was easily influenced by environment. Based on the results, we anticipated that individuals of Hd1Hd1 Hd6Hd6 Ehd1Ehd1 may have the shortest heading date while individuals of hd1hd1 hd6hd6 ehd1ehd1 may have the longest heading date. Understanding the effects of 27 genotypes on heading date, the breeding programs in using the near-isogenic lines of Koshihikari selection for various cropping systems and regions become possible.


