  • 期刊


Germplasm Collection and Agronomic Traits Analysis of Saccharum spontaneum L. in Taiwan


臺灣地區蘊含豐富野生蔗種原,過去數十年來,臺灣糖業公司積極投入野生蔗種原之蒐集並將優良特性導入栽培種甘蔗中,惟目前所保存之野生蔗種原幾乎已全部佚失。本研究擬於臺糖公司中重新建置野生蔗種原,試驗從2010年起於各地區共採集94個野生蔗樣品,集中種植於臺糖公司甘蔗育種場柳營試驗區,並進行相關性狀之調查與分析。本次採集結果發現野生蔗族群仍普遍分布在臺灣各地區的河灘地、公路邊與荒野偏僻地,但桃園以北至基隆間以芒屬植物為主,並未發現任何野生蔗族群。另外,於南投竹山地區海拔1,130 m處蒐集到2個野生蔗族群,乃國內有野生蔗分佈之最高海拔記載。性狀調查結果顯示葉耳、57th毛群及抽穗開花期在各地區收集系間有較高之鑑別度,而各收集系在原採集地不同之開花期,同樣表現於柳營試區,顯示環境因子對野生蔗生殖生長之影響並不顯著。此外,除葉長外,其餘調查性狀均具高的變異係數值,顯示臺灣各地野生蔗族群呈現高度的歧異度與多樣性。調查結果也顯示株高與穗長、節間長、葉長、葉寬及莖徑具高度相關性,可歸類在第一主成分。本研究已重新建置臺灣地區野生蔗種原庫,也採集到部分收集系具備高錘度與抗逆境等優良特性,可作為後續栽培種甘蔗育種之親本來源。


In the past several decades, Taiwan Sugar Corporation (Taisuco) has devoted to collect local germplasm of Saccharum spontaneum around the island of Taiwan and introgressed elite traits into sugarcane breeding program, because the native genetic materials preserved in the old germplasm center have been missing. The objectives of this study were to re-construct the genetic germplasm pool of S. spontaneum in Taiwan as well as to survey their agronomic characters for breeding need. A total of 94 lines/accessions were collected and transplanted to the experimental farm at Liuying Branch Station of Taisuco. These accessions were wide spreading along the river bank, roadside and marginal land throughout Taiwan. However, no population has been found in the zone between Taoyuan and Keelung, where plants of Miscanthus species were dominant. In particular, two accessions were collected at altitude of 1,130 m in Chushan, Nantou Hsien, the highest altitude recorded in history. From the phenotypic investigations, morphology of auricle, sheath pubescence of the 57th hair groups and flowering period were characters that can be used for discrimination of accessions. It is worth mentioning that flowering period was similar in the experimental site as at the original habitat, suggesting that reproductive growth was less affected by environmental factors. The coefficients of variation were high among the examined agronomic characters except leaf length, indicating a high population diversity of germplasm collection. Results also showed that plant height was highly correlated with panicle length, internode length, leaf width, leaf length and stalk diameter. They are parameters of the first component by principal component analysis. In conclusion, we have successfully reconstructed new germplasm pool of S. spontaneum collected in Taiwan and identified some accessions possessing elite characters that may be introgressed into sugarcane cultivars in the future.
