  • 期刊


An Exploration of Course Development and Adjustment in Public Vocational Training Institutes



職業教育和訓練是培育我國產業發展所需人力資源的兩大途徑。人力培訓的方式通常由技職教育學校、訓練機構及企業事業單位等三者,採個別實施或採相互支援與配合方式實施教育與訓練。基於職業教育與職業訓練設科或調整,需要掌握國家經濟、社會…等多面向的發展脈動俾進行前瞻性的規劃,因此本文乃從公共職業訓練機構職類新設與調整的理論面與實務面進行探究,期獲得若干在訓練職類新設與調整之啟示。因此首先對我國當前之產業環境加以析述後,對公共職業訓練機構職類之調整進行檢討,並以新加坡職類開發調整的運作方式為參考,漸次導出職業訓練職類開發與調整的方向。進而已個案研究方式探究訓練職類之調整與開發作法。 最後本文乃從公共職業訓練職類之調整,提出對訓練職類新設與調整的可行建議,諸如:建構我國職類調整的運作模式、開發應用科技能力之訓練職類、採行職類開發調整的配合措施等。此外並提出若干的啟示,包括:重新檢討職業學校所設類科與國家整體發展需求與供給間之密合現況、依產業發展的近程需求及社會價值觀走向,評估在職業學校設立主幹與支幹類科之可行性、整合規劃職業學校與公共職業訓練機構職類之新設與調整、允許職業訓練機構養成訓練期達一定年限者,給予銜接技職學校高一層級之學歷證明等以為參考。


Both vocational education and training are the main way to develop industrial human resources. The approach ways in cultivatable high talents usually link with technological and vocational education, vocational training, and enterprise's training. Due to the issue of course development and adjustment in vocational education and training is very important, this study focus on course development and adjustment from theory and practicality in public vocational training institutes. The main ideas include: Analyzing the industrial environment that will effect the course development and adjustment, reviewing the current state of course in vocational training institute, doing a case study for reference, as well as leading a new prospect in course development and adjustment. Finally, this study, from the systematic viewpoint, brings some suggestions and new prospects. Some broad steams of thought are indicated as following: Reviewing the current state of course situation in technical high school within national development between human resources' supply and requirement, evaluating the possibility when setting a main and auxiliary course system, and giving flexible course which combine by technical high school and public vocational training institutes.


