  • 期刊


Hegel's Critique of Christianity and the Idea of Absolute Religion




基督宗教 精神 上帝 絕對宗教


Cortinuing the criticism essence of reformation in the middle age, Hegel fundamentally introspects Christianity from his own philosophy. During the time of reformation, Christianity present just likes others for man. People abide and mind such a religion only for its powerful authority that is not an actualization from human inner spirit, but an objective one. That is what Hegel criticizes afout. What here says critique does not intend that Hegel takes a completely opposed attitude to Christianity but reflects and corrects it. He argues that Christ is God and God is man in spiritual nature, and there is a rational principle between God and world-history. As a manifested and absolute religion, Christianity is extremely a demonstration of absolute spirit which is beyond the traditional meaning.


Christianity spirit God absolute religion


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