  • 期刊


Watsuji Tetsuro's Philosophy of Fudo-And the Subsequent 'Fudo' Philosophies of Hong Yao-xun and Augustin Berque


本論以日本近代哲學家-和辻哲郎(Watsuji Tetsuro, 1889-1960)的《風土-人間學的考察》(1935)一書為研究的核心,試圖究明和辻援用海德格(Martin Heidegger, 1889-1976)對存有詮釋的方法所建構出來的風土論。本論的另一個目的在於,檢視和辻風土論的發展、局限及其現代性意義。因此在探究和辻風土論的整體結構之後,緊接著檢討承繼和辻風土論立場的台灣日據時期哲人-洪耀勳(1902-86)與當代法國地理學者-貝瑞克(Augustin Berque, 1942-)的風土觀,以鮮明和辻風土論所蘊含的哲學課題。 本論內容首先從和辻的歐陸風土學考察及其對赫德(J. G. Herder, 1744-1803)精神風土學的批判與繼承論起,並區分和辻風土論與赫德精神風土學的不同。接著,析論和辻將東亞、東南亞、南亞、中亞、東歐、地中海地區以及西歐等,歸類於季風、沙漠、牧場三種類型的現象詮釋論述。之後,探究和辻風土論的基礎結構。最後,藉由探討洪耀勳與貝瑞克對和辻風土論的繼承與評價,來思考和辻風土論的現代性意義。


This research studies the philosophy of Fudo by Watsuji Tetsuro (1889-1960, Japanese philosopher), attempting to investigate how Watsuji uses Martin Heideggers method of ontological hermeneutics to construct the philosophy of Fudo (i.e. climate and culture). Another aim of this research is to examine the development, limit, and modern significance of Watsujis Fudo philosophy. Thus, having looked into the overall structure of Watsujis Fudo, this research examines the subsequent Fudo philosophies of Hong Yao-xun (1902-86, Taiwanese philosopher during the Japanese Occupation) and Augustin Berque (1942-, contemporary French geographer and orientalist) who are deeply indebted to Watsuji. The ultimate aim of this paper is to raise the philosophical issues Watsujis book implied. First, this paper discusses Watsujis Fudo study of Europe and his critique and inheritance of J. G. Herders philosophy of human climate, highlighting the difference between Watsujis Fudo and Herders philosophy of human climate. Second, this paper analyzes Watsujis discourse of hermeneutic phenomenology that classifies East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, and the Mediterranean as three climate types (monsoon, desert, and meadow). This paper then investigates the structure of Watsujis Fudo philosophy. Finally, through Hongs and Berques subsequent Fudo philosophies, this paper considers the modern significance of Watsujis philosophy of Fudo.


洪耀勳,〈風土文化觀―台灣風土との聯關に於て〉,《台灣時報》,1936 年,6 、7 月號
Berque, Augustin(1992)。風土の日本。東京:筑摩書房。
Tetsuro, Watsuji,Bownas, Geoffrey(trans.)(1988).Climate and Culture: A Philosophical Study.New York:Greenwood Press.


