  • 期刊


Eating Animals-A Cross-cultural Perspective on Food Ethics in the 21st Century


二十世紀末全球急劇商業化,科技精進,跨國商業財團掌握大多數食品的養殖、製作和行銷,也快速地改變當今人類與肉食的關係,其不僅涉及人身康健、更直接影響自然生態環境。本文從跨宗教跨文化的角度,分析當今西方學者對基督教及猶太教義的重新解析,以人、神、動物的關係理念為基礎,提出人對動物的責任及食的道德。本文並以小說家Jonathan Safran Foer與動物行為學家Temple Grandin為例,指出在美國現代文化裏,不論是從宗教或非宗教來看,動物福利可成為一個基本共識的起點。大量商業性的養殖、捕殺、消耗動植物,已在全球引發多重認知、辯論、法規及社運。在面對大量殺虐動物以圖腹欲,并直接危及生態環境與全球暖化的二十一世紀,我們對食物的選擇,會對自然生態、減少動物苦難有決定性的影響。


What we eat and how we eat have had increasing impact on our lives and the world we inhabit. The increasing consumption and mass production of livestock have had detrimental effects on the environment and force us to rethink the relationship between animals and humans, as well as ethical decision regarding treating animals and food choices.This article examines our meat-eating behavior, food ethics and animal-human relationship by looking both at religious and secular representations in the West. The lately developed ”ecotheology” in Christianity reinterprets human-animal relationship and condemns the mistreatment of animals. Meanwhile novelist Jonathan Safran Foer and animal scientist Temple Grandin advocate animal welfare from different perspectives.Food Ethics is a complex, diverse, cross-cultural and global issue. Regardless of religious and cultural differences, the author argues that animal welfare has gained growing support and shaped a common ground for further discussion on animal ethics and animal rights.


Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, “The State of Food and Agriculture: Statistical Annex 125, Table A1” 2009. http://www.fao.org/docrep/012/i0680e/i0680e.pdf. Feb 3, 2013.
Fresh Air. “A Conversation with Temple Grandin.” National Public Radio, 20 January 2006. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5165123. Jan 10, 2013.
GeoCurrents, “Global Geography Meat (and Fish) Consumption”, submitted by Asya Pereltsrvaig. http://geocurrents.info/cultural-geography/culinary-geography/global-geography-of-meat-and-fish-consumption. March 15, 2013.
Harris, Gardiner. “U.S. Tightens Ruled on Antibiotics Use for Livestock.” New York Times 11 April 2012. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/12/ us/antibiotics-for-livestock-will-require-prescription-fda-says.html?emc=eta1&_r=0. Jan 6, 2013.
