  • 期刊


On Religious Toleration and Freedom of Speech


宗教指引人生往上往超越與神聖價值的追求,以解脫人生之有限和各種的苦難,提升生命的價值與在有限中取得無限的價值。自由是人類生命中不可被剝奪的條件,也是使人能超脫自然的限制而實現生命的無限價值的能力。在人權方面,宗教自由與言論自由只是其中兩項,是民主政治所必須保障的基本權利。一切自由都可說是人類在語言與實踐上表達的價值。因此包含宗教自由與言論自由在內的意見表達之自由成為人類實現生命最高和無限價值的最重要的自由,也是現代世界中個人或族群與政治社會權力相抗爭的最重要的一環。在人類歷史上,宗教自由與言論自由實是雙胞胎,宗教自由與言論自由都是由於受到主流的政治或宗教權力的嚴酷迫害而尋求的保障,但宗教與自由卻又是互相對抗的世讎。本文除依宗教本義指出以宗教教義而殺戮異教徒實有違宗教解脫生命苦難之初衷,更藉德沃金(Ronald Dworkin)論自由之意義與斯坎倫((T.M. Scanlon)論表達自由之分析,和引介穆爾之自由原則,申論言論自由、宗教自由與宗教容忍的理據和理由而應有的共容方式,建立一容忍的社會,嘗試為言論自由與宗教容忍劃定明確和合理的界線,冀能建立一真正的宗教自由和宗教容忍的原則,以及解決紛爭的方法,為兩者設立一合理而能和平共存的空間,以永遠消弭宗教戰爭以及人類各種戰爭,達到世界的永久和平。


Religion is a human pursuit of transcendental and holy values, so as to rid the limits and various sufferings of human life and help to realize some infinite worth of our finite life. Freedom is also a human endeavor to retain what is not allowed to be deprived of as a human life. Freedom is also our capability that raises our life above the natural limitation to achieve a kind of infinite value. Religious freedom and freedom of speech are two major items of our human rights, and they are the fundamental values that a democratic government must provide and protect. In a sense, all freedom is expressed as through human speech and practice. Hence, freedom of religion and speech as freedom of expression are the ways that we could achieve the highest value of our life. They constitute the most important part of our fighting against political and social suppressions. In fact, both are historically twins born together and both are ways seeking protecting from religion and political power and persecutions. However, they are also forever enemies against each other. In this paper, I have argued not only from the religious goal in the liberation of human life that all killing and wars in the name of religion are anti-religious. It is both inconsistent and against our morality. I employ both Ronald Dworkin's theory of freedom and T.M. Scanlon's analysis of freedom and tolerance, and the introduction of Mill's principle of freedom to argue for a principle of toleration so that freedom of speech and religious toleration could be compatible. I further try to delineate the boundary of a public space for freedom of speech and religious toleration in order to construct a tolerant society so that both could be contained. Some strategies in dealing with possible conflicts between freedom, religion and politics in human societies are suggested. If intra-societal conflicts could be solved, it is reasonable that inter-religion and inter-nations kind of war could be eliminated and we could enjoy an eternal peace between all nations.


Ernest Cassirer, An Essay on Man, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1944.
Ernest Cassirer, Susanne K. Langer trans., Language and Myth, New York: Dover Publications Inc. 1946.
Berlin, Issac(1969).Four Essays of Liberty.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Cassirer, Ernest、劉述先譯(2006)。人論:人類文化哲學導論。桂林:廣西師範大學。

