  • 期刊


The Empirical Study of the Relationship between Green Brand Positioning and Green Purchase Intension: By Green Brand Attitude as Mediating Variable


綜觀國內外綠色行銷的研究,大多從綠色行銷策略、綠色消費態度與綠色購買爲主,對於綠色品牌的議題尚不多見。緣此,本研究首先參考Patrick et al. (2005)的研究,探討綠色品牌定位對綠色品牌態度的影響;其次,再引用Assael(2004)品牌態度的觀念,探討綠色品牌態度對綠色購買意願的影響;而且,結合(Ajzen, 1985)的計畫性行爲理論,以綠色品牌態度爲中介變數,探討綠色品牌定位是否透過綠色品牌態度間接影響綠色購買意願。本研究使用問卷調查法,以豐田汽車(Toyota)油電混合動力(Gas/Electirc Hybrid Vehicles)Prius車款的消費者爲研究對象,透過以現場發放與網路調查方式作調查,共取得422 份有效問卷;本研究以複迴歸分析發現:(1)綠色品牌定位各構面(功能定位、綠色定位、情感定位)顯著正向影響綠色品牌態度;(2)綠色品牌定位各構面顯著正向影響綠色購買意願;(3)綠色品牌態度各構面顯著正向影響綠色購買意願大。本研究再以路徑分析發現:綠色品牌定位各構面可以透過綠色品牌態度各構面(認知因素、情感因素)分別間接影響購買意願。


Reviewing the related research of green marketing, most research about green marketing strategy, green consumer attitude and green purchase intension, but there is a few works about green brand. Therefore, it is worth to study further for the issues of green brand. Firstly, refers to the study of Patrick et al. (2005) to examine the relationship between green brand positioning and green brand attitude. Secondly, draws the concept for brand attitude of Assael's (2004) to examine the relationship between green brand attitude and green purchase intension. Finally, integrates the concept for the planned behavioral theory of Ajzen (1985) to explore the relationship among green brand positioning, green brand attitude and green purchase intension. This study adopts questionnaire survey from consumers of Toyota's Prius of Hybrid Vehicles through the methods of handed and internet. Obtain 422 valid samples totally. First, by multi-regression analysis finds that, the dimensions of green brand positioning have significantly positive effect on the dimensions of green brand attitude; the dimensions of green brand positioning have significantly positive effect on green purchase intension; the dimensions of brand attitude have significantly positive effect on green purchase intension. Secondly, from the analysis of mediating effects finds that, the dimensions of green brand positioning through the dimensions of brand attitude have significantly positive indirect effect on green purchase intension.


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