  • 期刊


Sleep Quality and Its Associated Factors among Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients


本研究探討外科加護病房病患睡眠品質及其相關因素,採相關性描述性研究設計,以立意取樣的方式,在南部二所醫學中心及一所區域醫院的外科加護病房,選取1歲以上、意識清楚、手術後入加護病房至少24小時之病患共102人。由研究者翻閱病歷收集病患人口學屬性、疾病特性及治療活動總頻率等,並以結構式問卷調查,問卷包括:疼痛視覺類比量表、焦慮量表、自覺噪音感受量表、治療活動干擾感受量表、中文維辛式睡眠量表(Verran and Snyder-Halpern Sleep Scale, VSH sleep scale)。研究結果發現:⑴研究對象的整體睡眠品質的得分指標為40.31,屬於中度至低度的整體睡眠品質。⑵年齡愈大者、疾病嚴重度分數愈高,整體睡眠品質愈差。⑶焦慮、自覺噪音感受程度及治療活動干擾感程度愈高,整體睡眠品質愈差。⑷自覺噪音感受和急性生理及慢性健康評值(Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Ⅱ, APACHEⅡ)是整體睡眠品質的顯著預測因子,可解釋整體睡眠品質的總變異數2.1%,降低噪音及穩定病患的生理問題,將可提供外科加護病房病患較佳的睡眠環境。


The purpose of this study was to explore the major factors that decrease the sleep quality of patients staying in surgical intensive care units (SICU). Research was designed as a cross-sectional and correlation study. A convenience sample of 102 individuals, comprising patients at least 18years of age and of clear consciousness who had stayed in the ICU at least 24-hours following surgery, was selected from two medical centers and one regional hospital in Southern Taiwan. Demographic, illness characteristic, and therapeutic intervention frequency data were collected from patients' charts. Questionnaires including the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain, anxiety scale, perception of noise scale, perception of therapeutic intervention interruption scale and Verran and Snyder-Halpern Sleep Scale (VSH sleep scale) were also applied in this study. The average standardized score for quality of sleep was 40.31, which is considered in the low to moderate range. Age, illness severity, anxiety level, ambient noise level, and sleep interruption caused by medical procedures were all found to have significant negative effects on sleep quality. Perception of noise and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Ⅱ (APACHE Ⅱ) scores, the significant explanatory factors identified in this study, explained 26.1% of total variance. Study findings provide information to guide clinical practice and the development of interventions.


陳虹奾(2012)。衛生所與學校護理人員職場疲勞、 睡眠品質與工作滿意度之差異性比較〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2012.00158
