  • 期刊


Validation of the Chinese Version of the Amotivation in Physical Education Scale Among Elementary and Junior High School Students


目的:本研究旨在翻譯Shen, Wingert, Li, Sun,與Rukavina(2010)發展之體育課無動機量表,並探討其中文化後的信度與效度。方法:本研究共包含三個階段,第一階段為英文版量表的中文翻譯和以393位體育課學習動機較弱的國小學生為對象,進行測量工具的項目分析及驗證性因素分析;第二階段是以341位體育課學習動機較弱的國中學生為對象,進行測量工具的跨群組不變性檢驗;第三階段是以30位低動機的國小學生配戴加速規來探討無動機與體育課身體活動量的關係。結果:本研究結果指出體育課無動機量表包含能力信念、努力信念、工作價值及工作特性等四個因素,共16個題目,內部一致性的信度良好。四因素的測量模式也與觀察資料有適當的適配度。而本測量模式也具有跨群組的不變性,適用於國中學生群體。最後,無動機程度與體育課的中高強度身體活動量呈現負相關。結論:體育課無動機量表經過中文化之後,具有不錯的信度和效度,可以用來幫助體育老師和研究者更深入了解低學習動機學生的起因,發展更有效的教學策略來幫助其提升體育課的參與程度。未來研究也可以進一步的探討與體育課無動機有關的議題,並且進行跨文化的比較。


Purpose: This study examined the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Amotivation in Physical Education Scale (AI-PE; Shen, Wingert, Li, Sun, & Rukavina, 2010). Method: Three stages were conducted in this study. At the first stage, the original AI-PE was translated into Chinese and 393 pupils who were less interested in PE completed the AI-PE for processing the item analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. At the second stage, 341 junior high school students who were low motivation in PE were recruited for testing the cross-group invariance of the AI-PE. At the third stage, 30 pupils who were less motivated in PE were recruited to examine the relation between the AI-PE and physical activity levels recorded by an accelerometer in one PE class. Results: The results indicated that the 16-item AI-PE contained four subscales, including Ability Beliefs, Effort Beliefs, Value of Task, and Task Characteristics, with a moderate reliability. The 4-factor model showed a good fit to the data observed. Further, the AI-PE demonstrated satisfactory cross-group invariance by using a sample of middle school students. The AI-PE was found to negatively relate to the level of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in PE. Conclusion: The Chinese version of the AI-PE shows adequate psychometric properties and can be extended for use with understanding the reasons why students demonstrate less motivation in PE. PE teachers and researchers can utilize the information to develop effective teaching strategies. Future studies are suggested to conduct cross-cultural comparisons by using the AI-PE.


