  • 期刊


A Study on Fitness of University Freshmen-Taking the Students of Both Departments of Financial Administration and Information Technology at the Hsing Kuo University of Management for Example


本研究目的旨在了解興國管理學院大一財金系、資科系之體適能狀況,研究結果將為日後課程規劃及修正上課內容之依據。本研究以大一新生財金系、資科系為對象,測驗項目與內容,均依教育部體適能證照內容實施,測驗所得資料經SPSS電腦統計軟體處理,經統計分析後獲得結果並與教育部常模比較如下:一、結論(一)、 一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐項目中,男女生前後測平均數呈現進步現象,男女平均值為略高於台閩地區常模。其中男生平均數比較達顯著差異。(二)、 在立定跳遠的項目中,男女的平均值低於台閩地區常模10公分以上。(三)、 心肺耐力方面女生成績優於台閩地區常模標準。男生成績皆未達常模的標準,且後測成績呈現退步情形。二、建議(一)、 肌力、肌耐力、柔軟度與心肺耐力在國民體能檢測中可說是具代表性的項目。往後持續進行全校性體適能檢測,了解學生體適能狀況。(二)、 建立本校學生體適能常模並鼓勵學生培養運動習慣的觀念,體育教師藉此測驗結果,針對差異規畫訓練與課程設計,以建立運動習慣為方針,培養學生心肺耐力為目標。(三)、 未來增開室內健身課程內容1. 體重/BMI方面:利用體重控制課程,以合理營養攝取,安排飲食控制計畫,配合個人運動處方。2. 肌力、肌耐力適能方面:利用重量訓練等課程,以合理負載,高強度、低反覆訓練原則提高肌力;以中低強度、高反覆訓練提高肌耐力。3. 柔軟度方面:利用瑜珈、強力瑜珈,進行關節韌帶、肌肉腱器、肌肉的延展適應性,進而提高柔軟度,提高運動能力及防止運動傷害發生。4. 心肺耐力方面:利用有氧舞蹈、高低衝擊有氧等課程,進行高強度心肺機能提升訓練。


大一新生 體適能 常模


This research is aimed to understand the fitness conditions of students from both departments of financial administration and information technology at the Hsing Kuo University of Management.Research results will be viewed as the reference available for upcoming course scheduling and modifications for course contents. In this research, the experimental subjects are students from both departments of financial administration and information technology with investigation items and contents based on the certificating fitness tests regulated by the Education Ministry. Tested results are processed by SSPS software. The analyzed results are compared with normal models released by the Education Ministry as below: 1. Conclusion. (1) In knee-bending sit-up, both male and female students show progress on the average in fitness. The average scores of both male and female students are slightly higher than that of normal models in Taiwan and Fukian provinces. Among them, male students show significantly improved performance on the average scores. (2) In standing long jump, the average scores of both male and female students show lower performance than that of normal models in Taiwan and Fukian provinces by 10 points above. (3) In cardiopulmonary endurance, results of female students show higher performance than of normal models in Taiwan and Fukian provinces. For the performance of male students, there is no performance result meeting the criteria of normal models in Taiwan and Fukian provinces but show regression results reversely. 2. Suggestion (1) Muscle strength, muscle endurance, softness and cardiopulmonary endurance are actually the sufficiently representative items for popular physical fitness tests. In future, the university-wide fitness tests will be held to understand the fitness conditions of students. (2) This study is planned to create normal fitness models for this school and also encourage students to build up a concept for continuous exercise in a regular habit. Through tested results, teachers of physical education can focus on the variances to arrange training contents and courses with an effort to build up habits for regular exercise and enhance students' cardiopulmonary endurance as an ultimate goal. (3) To Add More Gym Courses in Future 1. In BMI, through body weight control courses, reasonable nourishment intake and diet plans are adopted in personal exercise prescriptions. 2. In muscle strength and muscle endurance, through weight training courses, the muscle strength can be enhanced in a way with reasonable exercise load, high intensity and low repetition in training activities. The muscle endurance can be enhanced in a way with medium-n-low strength and high repetition. 3. In softness, through Yoga and powerful Yoga, the stretch adaptability of joint ligaments, tendons and muscle can be trained to enhance softness with well-improved exercise capabilities and prevent from exercise injures. 4. In cardiopulmonary endurance, by means of aerobic dances and aerobic exercise courses with high and low impact, the high intensity training for cardiopulmonary function can be performed.


Fresh Man PhysicalFitness Nomal Model


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