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Event Sponsorship: Spectator Perceptions at 2001 Athletic Games



本研究旨在瞭解運動賽會之贊助效果,研究對象爲參加九十年全國運動會的現場觀衆共402名。並以「贊助效果評估問卷」爲研究工具,進行問卷調查。根據實際調查所得資料,以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、以及單因子變異數分析等統計法處理,經分析討論後結論如下: 一、受度者對九十年全國運動會贊助商的贊助確認率,由高到低前三名分別爲,中國石油:52.5%、台監實業:31.1%、及宏泰人壽:27.9%。 二、所有受試者對企業贊助運動賽會的三個贊助效果構面,均有相當高的認同度,尤其在「賽會認同」步空間。;此外生「購買意圖」構面上則仍有很大的進步空間。 三、年收入在55-100萬間的受試者與年收入在22萬以下的受度者,在「購買意圖」及「企業形象知名度認同」兩構面上有不一致的認同情形。


贊助 贊助效果 回想 確認


The purpose of the study was to determine if people attending the 2001Athietic Games could accurately identify the official sponsors. Sponsorship recognition methodology was used, and a survey specific to the 2001 Athletic Games was developed. Respondents included 402 people who identified themselves as spectators. The research instrument ”Sponsorship Recognition and Identify Questionnaire” was administered. Descriptive statement, t-test and one-way ANOVA analysis were utilized for data analysis. Within the scope of this study, the following conclusions were derived; (a) Respondents could not accurately identify the official sponsors. (b) The respondents reported a high score in three dimension of sponsorship effects. (c) Respondents background (income) will influence the recognition rate.


sponsorship effect recall recognition


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