  • 期刊


A model of destination brand equity and its application to National Palace Museum-Taking Chinese tourists as an example




Since the cross-strait policies have been opening gradually, the amount of the mainland tourists has also increased by years. Among these attractions the mainland tourists have been visited, the National Palace Museum always ranked the top. In view of this, the National Palace Museum has strongly attracted the mainland tourists' attentions. Therefore, this paper aimed to explore the mainland tourists' destination decision-making behavior on the National Palace Museum from the brand equity perspective. Based on 425 valid samples, we found that destination brand awareness (DBA) may influence destination brand experience (DBEX); DBEX would impact revisit intention (RI) through tourist satisfaction (TS); TS cannot impact RI through destination brand loyalty (DBL); Different groups of cultural proximity (CP) would have significant differences in DBA, DBEX, TS and DBL. Finally, this paper ends with several discussions and conclusions and expected to provide some references to managers of the National Palace Museum on the strategies of management and marketing.


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